Holly Pond talks drainage, record keeping, town website

The Holly Pond Town Council met Monday evening with a light agenda. (Maggie Darnell for The Cullman Tribune)

HOLLY POND, Ala. – The Holly Pond Town Council had a light agenda for its monthly meeting Monday night. Mayor Bill Oliver addressed a water drainage issue at the Holly Pond Senior Center.

Oliver said he wants a concrete specialist’s input, but one suggestion was the installation of a grate, which would cost an estimated $4,000. Oliver said he has not received an official estimate for the job, but he wanted to bring it to the table for consideration in the event an estimate was given. No action was taken.

In other business, the council discussed record keeping for any money the Town of Holly Pond is set to receive for its transportation plan projects, funded by new revenue from Gov. Kay Ivey’s Rebuild Alabama Act, passed by the Alabama Legislature this year. Every year, counties and municipalities will be required to adopt a plan that clearly outlines how state transportation money from the new 10-cent fuel tax increase revenue will be spent.

Oliver said he wants to be open about how the Town spends the funds, so he suggested the implementation of a public records request system, so if a citizen wants to see the records, he or she can put in a request with the Town and will receive the records. No action was taken on this item.

The council also discussed again the creation of a Town website for visitors and citizens. Oliver said he spoke with Berlin Mayor Patrick Bates about advice for building the website and said he’s received a recommendation for someone who has done work for other elected official offices in the County. Oliver said once the website is built, someone will need to maintain it. No action was taken.

The Holly Pond Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Guy Hunt Library and Museum. The public is welcome to attend.

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