Colony does not renew NARCOG contract for town librarian, library faces possible temporary closure

Photo courtesy of the Cullman County Public Library System.

COLONY, Ala. – After a special called meeting last Friday, on Monday the Town Council of Colony delivered to North Central Alabama Council of Governments (NARCOG) Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Director Kimberly Dove a letter stating that the town will not renew its contract for a town librarian. As Colony’s library has only one staff person, Brenda Johnson, wife of Councilman Curtis Johnson, the town’s ability to keep the library open is under question, at least for now.

Colony’s librarian is not employed by the town, but is paid by NARCOG. The town was required to pay an annual fee to NARCOG for the contract that provided the staff person, though, and the council faced questions about whether or not keeping Johnson as librarian was worth the continued expense. Details of the issue were not available. 

The old contract expired on June 30, but the library was open on Monday, July 1, 2019, with Johnson present.

Cullman County Public Library system director Sharon Townson told The Tribune local branches do their own staffing, and that the main branch does not send staff out to fill gaps at branches. She added, though, that the system will do what it can to help Colony keep its library open.