Dodge City welcomes two new businesses


DODGE CITY, Ala. – Dodge City welcomed two new businesses at its town council meeting Wednesday night. Representatives from the ABC Family Medical Clinic were introduced where they invited the community to join them April 13th for their grand opening celebration. The celebration will be from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at noon. ABC Family Medical Clinic is located at 24 County Road 262. 

Additionally, Ace Hardware opened its new Dodge City location last Wednesday. Dodge City town deputy, Sgt. David Nunn, mentioned that the opening has been well received by the community. ACE Hardware is located at 699 AL Hwy 69 about 1 mile west of the interstate. 

The town was unable to reach an agreement Wednesday night with Mr. James Hollis who offered to purchase a parcel of land from the town.

Hollis offered $1,500 for a parcel of land located off I-65. Mayor Canada was willing to exchange the land if Hollis agreed to allow the town to install a community storm shelter on it. Hollis was unwilling to agree to the offer. The council voted to keep the land. 

Mayor Canada presented an estimate for clean-up and maintenance of the town’s sewer lines. The estimate of $5,500 would be for the initial cleanup. The council approved the proposal.

The Dodge City Town Council meets every second Thursday at 6 p.m. Wednesday’s meeting had been rescheduled due to last Thursday’s severe weather. The next meeting will be held on April 11, 2019.