St. Andrews Youth Group opens free food pantry in southwest Cullman


The St. Andrews United Methodist Church Youth’s Free Food Pantry is at the corner of Main Avenue and Sixth Street Southwest in Cullman. It is located in the north parking lot of the church. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – A free food pantry has been set up at the corner of Main Avenue and Sixth Street Southwest in Cullman, thanks to the youth of St. Andrews United Methodist Church. The pantry is stocked and open to community members in need. It is located in the north parking lot of the church.

The church’s youth group wanted to give back to the church’s neighbors and landed on the idea of a food pantry. Through its backpack ministry, the church has been assisting West Elementary, and it has also been sponsoring children at Christmastime for many years. The youth wanted to do their part as well.

Youth Director David Speegle and wife Rita helped the youth group with its plans. Church member Ricky Nails built the pantry, and the church members keep the pantry stocked.

Rita Speegle said, “Our ladies’ Bible study group has been bringing food every Sunday, and our cabinets in the fellowship hall are full. We don’t need any assistance or donations right now. We just want to get the word out to families and kids in the neighborhood that the pantry is here to help them if they need it.”

The youth group wanted the pantry to have easy, ready-to-eat items for kids. It includes items like Beanee Weenee, packets of crackers with peanut butter and other snacks. The pantry also has other items that don’t require cooking, along with plastic eating utensils.

Added Rita Speegle, “If this pantry goes over well, we hope to add another larger pantry next to the small one we have now.”

The youth group has also discussed adding hygiene items and other necessities. 

“Our kids recognize the importance of ministering to those in the neighborhood, and we really hope people use it and it goes well,” said Rita Speegle.

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