Sheriff: Extra deputies on patrol through New Year’s Day


Sheriff Matt Gentry (Cullman Tribune file photo)

CULLMAN – Extra Cullman County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) deputies will be on patrol from now through New Year’s Day in Cullman County, the CCSO announced Friday.

“Sheriff Matt Gentry has directed the use of extra patrol deputies (through) New Year’s and during Christmas to help in crime suppression,” said a spokesman for the CCSO.

The deputies’ focus will be on the prevention of thefts, burglaries, drug-related activity and DUIs through traffic enforcement, close patrols of churches and businesses, safety checkpoints and other crime-reduction activities.

“We always see a rise in thefts and burglaries towards Christmas and New Year’s, so we try and be preemptive and have more deputies in the community,” said Gentry. “I encourage everyone if you are going out of town ask a neighbor to keep a look out on your home while you are gone, set your alarm, leave a light on and anything that will detour a thief.”

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