Vinemont council approves changes to community center rental pricing


Vinemont Town Council members discuss town business during Tuesday night’s meeting. (Hayden Hyatt for The Tribune)

VINEMONT – Tuesday evening, members of the Vinemont Town Council discussed bill payments, new equipment purchases and changes to pricing for the Vinemont Community Center during their monthly meeting at Vinemont Town Hall.

The council chose to double the price of renting the Vinemont Community Center. Previously, the price for a four-hour rental of the center was $100 dollars plus a $60-dollar clean-up fee if the renter chose not to clean the facility. The new price of a four-hour rental will be $200 dollars with a $60-dollar clean-up fee. After the initial four hours, additional hours will be $50 dollars per hour. Mayor Radginal Dodson cited low revenue as the reason for the change. The prices for rental of the community center have not been changed since the 1980s.

Council members approved the payment of a bill for the Town's insurance to the Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation. The annual renewal for the Town came at a cost of $17,127 and will be paid in three installments.

Dodson made the council aware of the purchase of a surplus golf cart for Town use at the Vinemont Sports Complex. Also procured was a 20-foot shipping container that is being used to store the new golf cart and other facility vehicles.

The next meeting of the council will be on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. at Vinemont Town Hall. The public is invited to attend.

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