Local officials meet with British MP David Duguid during stop in Cullman

Leanne West special to The Tribune

CULLMAN – Mr. David Duguid, of the Scottish Conservative Party and a Member of British Parliament (MP) for Banff and Buchan since June 2017, recently visited Cullman with U.S. Congressman Robert Aderholt. Mr. Duguid is a participant in the 41st Annual British-American Parliamentary Group (BAPG) Exchange Program. Each year, MPs meet to travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with Republican and Democratic members of Congress before traveling to their counterpart U.S. Representatives’ home districts.

“I was honored to meet Mr. Duguid last week when he visited Cullman with Congressman Aderholt,” Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs said. “The BAGP annual exchange program between the US and the UK is a great opportunity to exchange ideas between our countries.”

The BAPG exchange has been exchanging ideas since 1977 under the auspices of the U.S. Department of States’ International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), with the goal of strengthening the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom that is necessary to solve global challenges.

More information on the U.S. Department of States’ International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) can be found at http://eca.state.gov/ivlp.

More information on the British-American Parliamentary Group (BAGP) can be found at http://bapg.org.uk.