Peinhardt Homesteaders hold traditional basket-weaving class, give class schedule for remainder of 2018


This melon basket was made by hand at Sunday’s basket-weaving class. (Heather Mann for The Tribune)

CULLMAN – As part of their purpose to revive traditional, simple living, the Peinhardt Homesteaders held their monthly basket-weaving class Sunday afternoon. Each basket made during these classes is woven by hand from reeds and wooden supports, with simple instructions and a helpful community-like atmosphere making the task much less intimidating for beginners.

The class for July focused on making melon baskets, which have ribbed shapes for the actual basket part and God's Eye designs where the handle connects to the basket.

The basket-making classes take place on the second Sunday of each month (except May) from February to September, 2-4 p.m. on the designated days. No prior experience is required, as beginners will receive lessons on how to work with reed to prevent it from breaking and can choose to work on simpler versions of the month's project. Each meeting gives the option to continue working on a previous project, so there's no pressure to finish within the two-hour class period, or even to take an unfinished one home. Each meeting is open to adults and youth age 14 and up, with supply fees varying based on the project. Students are encouraged to bring their own basket tool kits – a water bucket/large bowl, sturdy scissors, a tape measure, bypass pruners, a screwdriver/awl, a pencil, a sponge, needle-nose pliers, and a towel – but some tools will be provided for those who don't have their own. 

Other monthly classes include tatting (lace-making) classes on the third Saturday from 10 a.m.-noon and fiber workshops for both adults and children. The schedules and brief descriptions of the fiber workshops are as follows:

Adult Workshops (age 14 and up):

  • Saturday, July 28: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Weaving Bands with the Inkle Loom – "Learn to weave on an inkle loom, which can be used to make narrow bands. In class you can make a bookmark, hatband, strap or small pouch, depending on how much time you want to spend. Begin to learn the language of weaving. No weaving experience is required. The leader will bring all the tools and other supplies you’ll need to use during the workshop. Experienced inkle loom weavers will learn to weave letters on an inkle loom. If you have an inkle loom and already know how to dress it, we’ll send you the draft for dressing your own inkle loom so you can bring it to the workshop. Bring a sack lunch. No supply fee."
  • Saturday, Aug. 25: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Introduction to Rug Braiding – "Make a braided 'mug rug.' Learn how to prepare the fabric strips, how to braid the strips and how to lace the braids into round and oval rugs. No sewing or braiding experience is needed. If you want to bring your own fabric, you can recycle sheets or other similar tightly woven fabric. Before the workshop, wash and dry the fabric the same way you plan to clean the finished project. The leader will bring all the other tools and other supplies you’ll need to use during the workshop. Bring a sack lunch. $5 supply fee."

Children's Workshops (age 9 and up, accompanied by an adult):

  • Saturday, July 28: 3-5 p.m., Weave a Scarf on Soda Straws – "You don’t have to weave on a traditional loom. Learn how to weave a scarf on soda straws. You will start the scarf in class and learn how to make pom poms to add to the ends when you finish it at home. No weaving experience is required. Bring 3-4 ounces of worsted weight (code 4) yarn. Bring more than one color of yarn for a striped scarf. If you want to use a thinner yarn, you’ll need more than 3-4 ounces. The leader will bring all the tools and other supplies you’ll need to use during the workshop. No supply fee."
  • Saturday, Aug. 25th: 3-5 p.m., Introduction to Weaving on the Inkle Loom – "Learn to weave on an inkle loom, which can be used to make narrow bands. In class you can make a bookmark or strap. Begin to learn the language of weaving. No weaving experience is required. The leader will bring all the tools and other supplies you’ll need to use during the workshop."

Each class is held with the purpose of teaching different, more diverse crafts than just sewing, knitting or crocheting. The Homesteaders will soon be looking for ideas for next year's classes, so anyone with an idea can contact the Homesteaders at People interested in taking a class can also pre-register at that email to reserve their crafting supplies. Pre-registration is not required, but it is encouraged to ensure that everyone has supplies. Further information on classes and schedules can be found at 

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