Victoria’s Hope growing quickly; fundraiser this Saturday


GOOD HOPE – Only about two months in, and Victoria’s Hope is moving forward fast. The charity, which Good Hope Primary School teacher April German started to serve single parents, has found enough support in the Good Hope and Cullman communities to expand its offerings to include back-to-school help for kids, and to run out of room at its current rented storage facility.

German talked to The Tribune about how things are going.

“It’s doing great!  Donations have just been flooding in, of clothing and even household items.  We’ve actually got a few monetary donations. That was wonderful; I wasn’t expecting it.  So I’ve opened an account just for Victoria’s Hope.

“And then we raised about $300 at Bubble Gum and Blue Jeans last weekend, doing a $5 bag sale.  She donated all of that to Victoria’s Hope, so I was able to shop this weekend and get some of the sizes that we didn’t have a lot of, that were in need, and some children’s clothes.

“And I also have started out with one lady wanting to sponsor two children and buy all their school supplies, their school clothes, their backpacks and their lunchboxes.  And when I let people know that I was looking for two children for that, I had two more people volunteer to do the same thing. So now, we have four children that these special people are going to take care of for back to school, where their mother isn’t going to have to worry about getting anything for them.  

“I’ve just been so moved by everybody in the community that’s reached out.”

Looking for a place

After the fundraising event at Bubble Gum and Blue Jeans, according to German, “We were able to now rent a storage building to store our stuff.  But now we’re overflowing in the storage building! So we’re trying to find a building or a church, or something that someone’s not using, you know.  Praying for that. Maybe that will come soon, because we have gotten so many donations, and it’s–I can barely close the storage building door, now.”

German is seeking the use of a small freestanding building, or dedicated space within a larger structure, both to use for storage and to set up a boutique-style space where clients can “shop” for things they need.

Fundraising and donation drive

Victoria’s Hope has added another drop-off location for regular donations.  In addition to Younique Sophistication Boutique, 105 Second Ave. SE in Cullman, donations can now also be brought to Bubble Gum and Blue Jeans, 400 Fifth St. SW Suite A in Cullman.

Victoria’s Hope will put on a car wash at Good Hope Grocery, 2253 County Road 437, this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Members will wash cars for donations of money, clothing or school supplies and will also be selling lemonade. Since the organization is a small, mostly family, any students or church youth groups who would like to get in a little community service are encouraged to come by and volunteer.

The organization is also currently sponsoring a school supply drive, asking for donations of crayons, pencils, Fiskars scissors, pencil pouches, glue sticks and that indispensable classroom staple, Germ-X, among other items.  School supplies can be dropped off at both regular donation locations, plus the Good Hope Dollar General, 31 Megan Lane.

German is still in the process of securing nonprofit status for Victoria’s Hope; that will allow donations to be tax deductible.

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