Holly Pond talks paving, lights, Brooklyn Road


The Holly Pond Town Council (Nick Griffin for The Tribune)

HOLLY POND – The Holly Pond Town Council discussed leveling and resurfacing projects for several roads during its monthly meeting this week.

Mayor Bill Oliver and the council members are still determining which roads are in the worst shape and need to be prioritized, but the council authorized Oliver to begin getting prices on materials.

Street lights were also discussed. According to reports from one of the council members, there are several lights in need of replacement or repair, and the rest of the council, along with Oliver, agreed to start looking into options to make necessary improvements.

A pair of Holly Pond residents were on-hand at the meeting to raise concerns over Brooklyn Road. They are concerned about speeding on the road and the safety hazards that come with that. The Town opted to place rumble strips on the road in the past to encourage people to slow down, but they have not been effective up to this point and the noise of the strips has become an issue for the residents near them. The council agreed to explore further actions it can take to fix the problem.

The council also voted to renew the Town’s franchise agreement with AT&T after checking that the amount matches up with the other municipalities’ agreements.

The Holly Pond Town Council will hold its next meeting on Monday, Aug. 6 at 7 p.m. in the Guy Hunt Library conference room.

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