Baileyton Town Council faces challenge over senior center bus


The Baileyton Town Council (W.C. Mann for The Tribune)

BAILEYTON – On Monday evening, the Baileyton Town Council held its regular meeting, dealing with a question over use of a bus acquired for use by the senior center. 

According to the terms of the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) grant that allowed Baileyton to get the bus, as reported to town clerk Patricia Gilbert, the Town must send three people to Montgomery next week or Mobile the following week for training.  

The Town received notice of the class Monday, and as of that evening, Mayor Johnny Dyar had only one person available to attend. After discussion, Gilbert was directed to contact ALDOT to ask if the Town could send the one representative, and to determine what impact this might have on the Town’s use of the bus under the grant.

The council approved motions to:

  • Renew the Town’s contract with AT&T for services to town residents.
  • Purchase a new lawn mower and powered hedge clipper.  The clipper will replace one privately owned and damaged while on loan to the Town.
  • Make a counter offer on multiline equipment in the Town’s possession.  The Town received a $3,800 offer but voted to counter with $5,000 at Dyar’s recommendation.  The equipment was left by a former tenant, and the funds will be applied the tenant’s outstanding $7,000 debt to the Town.
  • Renew the lease for the medical clinic adjacent to town hall for another year.  The council also discussed the possibility of allowing the current town hall to be used as storage space for the clinic when the new town hall is complete.

During his report, Dyar talked about conditions at the park, sharing that recent windstorms had left conditions there worse than he thought.  He and Bobby Walker spent much of Monday gathering and burning limbs and other debris to help clean up the grounds.

He also mentioned a possible candidate for contract help with town maintenance work but said that the candidate’s performance with heavy equipment like the backhoe needed further review before a decision could be made.

The Baileyton Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Baileyton Town Hall.  The public is invited to attend.

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