Porter resigns from Hanceville council; tractor show Saturday


Hanceville City Council members discuss council business during Thursday’s meeting at Hanceville City Hall. (Hayden Hyatt for The Tribune)

HANCEVILLE – The Hanceville City Council will soon be looking to fill an empty seat.

During Thursday night’s regular meeting, Councilwoman Sharon Porter announced her resignation. Porter will be relocating to Athens due to her husband’s job.

“It's been more than a pleasure,” a tearful Porter told the council.

Mayor Kenneth Nail remarked about what an asset Porter has been. “The city and council will definitely suffer in your absence,” said Nail. “We appreciate you.”

The council also discussed the 20th Annual Antique Tractor & Engine Show, which is planned for Saturday, June 30 at 9 a.m. at Wallace State Community College. The show will feature tractor slow races, in which the slowest tractor wins, skillet throwing, food vendors, homemade ice cream and a tractor parade.

Charles Allen, one of the organizers, spoke to the group about the event: “We appreciate the city's support for this and we hope to have a good show,” he said.

In other business, the council opened a sealed property bid submitted by Steve Barnett for .17 acres at C.W. Day Park abutting Section Line Road. The bid for $1,001 was approved.

Nail asked for council approval to surplus his city vehicle, a 2003 Ford F-250, due to the vehicle approaching 300,000 miles and costing the City in increasing maintenance. The council approved the surplus and the vehicle will be auctioned at govdeals.com.

The council did not approve a planning commission recommendation regarding an amendment to Alcohol Ordinance No. 580. The proposed amendment would have allowed the Texaco on Main Street to obtain an alcohol license, which it currently cannot do due to its proximity to a church.

Councilwoman Kim Brown suggested the City purchase veterans’ banners, like those in Arley, to be displayed throughout the city. The proposed banners list branch of service, rank and display a photo. No official decision was made on the banners, but the issue is slated to be on the agenda for the next city council meeting in July. The person who spearheaded the banner project in Arley has been invited to speak to the council about them at that meeting.

The next council meeting will take place at Hanceville City Hall on July 12 at 6:30 p.m. with a work session at 6 p.m. The public is invited to attend both.

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