Holly Pond business leaders talk growth


Brian Poole, Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce director of business development, third from left, speaks with Holly Pond business and organizational leaders during a business roundtable meeting Thursday evening. (Hayden Hyatt for The Tribune)

HOLLY POND – Thursday evening, eight Holly Pond business and organizational leaders met with Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce Director of Business Development Brian Poole at the Guy Hunt Library and Museum to discuss their business needs.

The purpose of these quarterly roundtables is to give local businesses the opportunity to meet, share best practices and exchange ideas.

This was the second quarterly business roundtable to be held for the Holly Pond business community. The attendees discussed the creation of a website for Holly Pond, marketing to Blount County and the addition of directional signs for the town.

Poole, who also helped facilitate the last roundtable in Holly Pond, sees the benefit of these meetings. “What's great about it is seeing everybody working together,” said Poole. “They have a vested interest in making their business better but also making their community better.”

Poole expressed the utility these roundtables can have for local businesses. “You've got some of these guys who've been in business 20 or 30 years and they hear your problems,” explained Poole. “If they have an idea that they've already done, that you're struggling with right now, why not let another business help you with that?”

The businesses are not the only ones to benefit from these meetings. “I'm learning a lot from these businesses and these people.” said Poole. “It’s very humbling as a business person.”

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