Files from Yesteryear: 1905, 1930, 1935 and 1955


From the Files of 1905

There was not more than a third of a crop of strawberries this year.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Stinson was climbing a tree, caught a live telephone wire and was unable to turn loose. Neighbors soon rescued him without injury.

Mr. S.P. Daniel, of Holly Pond, is ill.

Mrs. H. Arnold and children, of Cullman visited Mrs. H. Rehling, on Sunday, at Gays Chapel.

Jesse Howell was thrown from his horse on Monday and broke his leg between the hip and the knee.


From the Files of 1930

Joe H. Ray spent Sunday with friends in Falkville. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ray are the proud parents of a little son. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Price are the proud parents of a little girl.
Kyle Turner, Goldie Eddlemon and Lucille Brooks motored to Berlin on Sunday.

At Arkadelphia, Misses Regina Taylor and Virginia Crowder attended the play at the school on Thursday night. Lewis Dean was the escort of Miss Eunice Crozel, on Friday night. Miss Velaria Strong and Clifford Dye were the Sunday guests of Misses Zelma and Fronia Self, of Welcome.

Miss Esther Perdue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Perdue, graduated this week from the Birmingham Baptist Hospital School of Nursing. She had high honors. The many friends of Miss Perdue wish for her much success as she enters the field of caring for the sick.

Mr. Nathan Smith was showing off his beans Monday to friends who visited his barbershop. The beans were grown back of his shop and pods measured six inches long.

Miss Frances McPherson was the Valedictorian of the Cullman High School Class of 1930. Salutatorian was Miss Margaret Hartwig.

Fred Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Kelley graduated at Alabama Military Institute at Anniston. He was presented a beautiful sport model Chevrolet roadster for graduation from his parents.

Miss Christine Hembree was neither absent nor tardy during the seven years she attended Cullman City Schools. Miss Hembree also made excellent grades.

Norris Estes and Ludie House were the happy callers of Misses Hester and Flaye Crumbley, on Sunday at Holly Pond. Ulysses Shaw was the caller of Allene Watts, on Sunday. Curtis Reid was the escort of Miss Tessie Ellard, on Sunday night.

“When you know enough to know what you lack, you are in an excellent position to know what stands between you and happiness.”


From the Files of 1935

Bland Motor Company is the new Ford Dealer in Cullman, replacing Mattingly Motors Company.

Allen Gray, Birmingham Southern College student, is home for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wise will leave tomorrow for three weeks in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dunlap, Mrs. Charles Watson and little Miss Jean Gunn left Wednesday for a motor trip through Georgia and Florida.

Mrs. Alfred Newman will leave Saturday for her home in Baltimore, Maryland. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Racke.


From the Files of 1955

The Reverend Clayton Phillips has announced that the Logan Methodist Parsonage will be dedicated, on Sunday, June 5th.

API graduates from Cullman are: Charles Franklin Kinser, Junior, Billy Jack Eidson, Buford Monroe Gross, John Boyd McBrayer and Charles Ervin Bottcher. Howard Tucker, of Logan received a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

Alabama graduates from the Cullman area are: James W. Tucker, William E. Rasco, Martha Sue Smith, Sidney R. Gibbs, Bette Louise Buettner, Gerald A. Davis and Doris E. Bush.

Cullman defeated Woodlawn in the state baseball players on Wednesday. The score was tied, 2 to 2 when Ralph Blalock hit a homerun. DeLane Hulsey was the winning pitcher. Other team members are Van McElroy, Brownie West, Jack Doss, Jimmie Knight, Billy Ray Johnson, Jimmie Hudson, Joe Miller, Frank Duke, Dale Cook and Darrell Owens.

Helen Walker and Delton Stidham were married on Saturday.

“The Plunderers,” “Rose Marie,” “Hell Below Zero,” “Rear Window” and “Fighter Attack” were showing at the 31-Drive in Theatre.


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