Colony pursues storm shelter, prepares for summer enrichment program


At its meeting Tuesday evening, the Colony Town Council heard about plans for its second Summer Enrichment Program and took the next step toward securing a community storm shelter. (W.C. Mann for The Tribune)

COLONY – At its meeting Tuesday evening, the Colony Town Council heard about plans for its second Summer Enrichment Program and took the next step toward securing a community storm shelter.

Summer Enrichment Program

Councilwoman Ethel Alexander presented plans for the program, which was first instituted in 2017.  It will run weekdays from June 4 to July 27, at the town educational complex/library, and will offer two programs: Project Extend and Morning Recreation, beginning at 8:45 a.m. each day.  Bus transportation will be available in some cases.

Colony will again participate in the free summer feeding program it used successfully last year, with food for breakfast and lunch provided by the North Alabama Food Bank under a federal grant.

The first week’s program will be a garden camp for 5-12-year-olds sponsored by the North Alabama Agriplex.  Kids will get hands-on in the community center garden and will do make-and-take projects each day.

Registration packets became available this week, with registration and medical forms, and information on programming, schedules, rules and dress code.  They can be picked up at Colony Town Hall or the library.

Storm shelter

The council voted to accept a sub-grantee agreement for the state’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program which will help fund the construction of a community storm shelter for the town.  Under the grant’s matching terms, Colony will have to provide $27,000 of the proposed $108,000 cost of the shelter.

Other business

The council reviewed three applications for a summer assistant for the town’s maintenance worker, but without taking any action.

Brenda Johnson’s assignment classification was changed from administrative assistant to library aide, and her work hours at the library were set at noon to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays.

Mayor Donnis Leeth told the council that he and Councilman Curtis Johnson will be meeting with representatives of the Alabama Department of Transportation to talk about possible state-funded repairs to four local roads: Byars Road, Johnson Circle, Colony Road and Wooley Road.

The Colony Town Council meets at Colony Town Hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. with work sessions at 5:30. The public is invited to attend.

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