TRIBUNE COLUMN: News from the Pond, Easter Weekend


These adults are members of the Holly Pond Senior Center at the Lions Club Park in Holly Pond at their Easter Celebration. Front row, left to right are: Hoyt Drake, Karen Dunn, Louise Carr, Ellen Drummond, Janice Bean and Jimmie Carnell. On the back row are Richard Burks, Martha Coggins, Jane Heaton and Billy Stewart.

Hello Tribune readers and families. HAPPY EASTER. Hope that you can remember that Christ is the reason for the season. This is a favorite time of the year for the “younger folks.” That is because they like to hide and hunt Easter eggs.

Mayor Bill Oliver of Holly Pond presented Mrs. Kay Stewart, local Civitan president with a signed a proclamation at a recent Holly Pond Town Council meeting designating April as Civitan Awareness Month. A part of the proclamation reads, that the “Civitan Club embodies the ideals of Civitan in our own community. Now Therefore, I, Bill Oliver Mayor of Holly Pond, do hereby designate the month of April as Civitan Awareness Month and encourage the residents of Holly Pond to actively support and take pride in the worthwhile efforts of this international service organization and in the work of Civitans in our Community.”

Another Easter event took place on Monday, March 26 at the senior citizens site at the Holly Pond Lions Club building. The local Civitan club members held a bingo party and gave prizes to the site members in attendance. Local senior citizens in attendance were Hoyt Drake, Karen Dunn, Louise Carr, Ellen Drummond, Janice Bean, Jimmie Carnell, Richard Burks, Martha Coggins, Jane Heaton and Billy Stewart. Mrs. Linda Pruett is the manager of the local site.

Holly Pond Civitans held their local monthly program meeting on Tuesday night in the Holly Pond Guy Hunt Library community meeting room. Our guest speakers were representatives from the “Bikers Against Child Abuse.” They told us about some of their programs and what they do about curbing child abuse and supporting the children involved. B-A-C-A (Bikers Against Child Abuse) takes a firm stand against all forms of child abuse to include, but not limited to, physical, sexual, emotional abuse and child porn. The group can be contacted locally at the Hurricane Creek Chapter, Cullman, 256-636-2453. Following their short program, we held a very informative question and answer session.

Local Civitan Club members attending this meeting were Kay Stewart, Lynn Jetton, Julia and Walt Floyd, Jane Black, Jimmie Carnell, Tammy Black, Gladys Wisener, Janice Murphree, Sharon and Bill Oliver and Paul Brown.

Have a great week and enjoy this beautiful Easter season.

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