Holly Pond youngsters show a little love to the sheriff’s office


While delivering gift bags to deputies about to go out on patrol, a group of kids and adults from Redan Baptist Church got a special treat when they ran into Sheriff Matt Gentry and U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Alabama, who were surveying storm damage at the sheriff’s office and detention center. / W.C. Mann

CULLMAN – On Tuesday afternoon, a children’s group from Redan Baptist Church in Holly Pond decided to offer service to their community by visiting the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office and delivering gift bags full of treats to deputies getting ready to head out on patrol for the evening/night shift. 

The kids and their grown-up helpers were around to meet the deputies and pass out their treats personally, but they got a special treat of their own when they ran into Sheriff Matt Gentry himself, accompanied by U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt and his family.  The congressman, traveling through his north Alabama district on a variety of errands, was in Cullman to survey hail storm damage to the sheriff’s office complex, detention center and training center.

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