Leadership Wallace State group visits Montgomery, meets with Chancellor Jimmy Baker

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The 2017-2018 Leadership Wallace State group recently visited Montgomery, where they met with Chancellor Jimmy Baker and attended a board meeting. They also toured the state Capitol.

HANCEVILLE – Wallace State’s 2017-2018 Leadership Wallace State group recently toured the Alabama Community College System (ACCS) office in Montgomery, where they met with Chancellor Jimmy Baker and were recognized at a board meeting. They also toured the ACCS System Office, attended a budget hearing and toured the state Capitol building.

The 2017-2018 Leadership Wallace State group consists of employees Brian Allen, Jamie Blackmon, Susan Brewer, Stephanie Eisner, Tina Jones, Erika Lee, Amy Moore, Mark Neal, Anna Parrish, John Richey, Steven Smith, Amanda Tillman, Susan Wadkins and Daniel Young.

Wallace State began the Leadership WSCC initiative 12 years ago with the goal of cultivating leaders in programs and departments all across campus. Beginning with the fall semester each year, the group meets monthly.

Since last September, the 2017-2018 group has participated in the following activities: touring Wallace State’s campus and learning more about the college’s initiatives and each individual in the group; attending a “Professional Etiquette” session and attending the John Maxwell Live event at the Highlands Church in Birmingham. Maxwell’s “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You,” is a common read among the annual Leadership groups at Wallace State.

An Economic Development trip is planned for the group in February, when they’ll attend the Cullman Chamber of Commerce luncheon, and a number of teams among the group will present ways to better enhance the student experience to the Wallace State Cabinet in April.

For more information about Wallace State, visit www.wallacestate.edu.