Cullman council honors officers, dispatchers; city water and sewer rates going up


Dispatcher Debra Baker with Councilman Andy Page, Police Chief Kenny Culpepper and Councilman Clint Hollingsworth / W.C. Mann

CULLMAN – It was a good news-bad news night at Monday evening’s Cullman City Council meeting as the council recognized the above-and-beyond actions of a police officer and two city 911 dispatchers, then approved an incremental increase in water and sewer rates over the next three years.


The meeting began with Councilman Andy Page, chairman of the Public Safety Committee, announcing honors for three Cullman Police Department (CPD) employees.  As Councilman Clint Hollingsworth (the other Public Safety Committee member) and CPD Chief Kenny Culpepper joined Page, CPD Assistant Chief Craig Montgomery introduced:

–Dispatcher Debra Baker, a 13-year veteran who took the call during a recent domestic dispute that ended in a shooting, and was on the phone with the victim when he was shot.  She was commended for remaining “professional, as she always does,” coordinating police and medical response during the chaotic episode.

–Dispatcher Amy McAnalley, a five-year veteran whose handling of calls following a recent bank robbery was credited with helping bring the incident to a swift and successful conclusion for police.

–Patrol Officer Matt Hollingsworth, an eight-year veteran, who, during a routine traffic stop, was able to determine that the four occupants of the car he had pulled over were the perpetrators of the recent burglary of the Cabin Fever package store and attempted burglary of the Good Hope Cabin Fever.  Hollingsworth took the four into custody, bringing a quick resolution to the crimes. 

Water, sewer, and sanitation rates

The council approved three ordinances that will affect water, sewer and sanitation rates for the city of Cullman.  Water and sewer rates will be going up for all customers.

–Monthly retail water rates will rise one dollar over each of the next three years, based on the average customer’s monthly usage.  The current average is $32 per month for the first 3,000 gallons.  That monthly rate will rise to $33 in 2018, $34 in 2019 and $35 in 2020.

–Monthly retail sewer rates will also rise one dollar over each of the next three years, based on the average customer’s usage.  The current average sewer rate is $36 for the first 3,000 gallons.  That monthly rate will rise to $37 in 2018, $38 in 2019 and $39 in 2020.

–Sanitation rates will not change for residential customers in 2018.  Commercial rates will increase at a varying amount, based on the type or service received by the customer.  This particular ordinance did not address years 2019 and 2020 like the first two.

Council President Garlan Gudger said to the audience afterward, “As a resident and business owner, it’s never fun to raise those rates, but that’s something that’s a necessity for us to continue to keep our infrastructure in the best tip-top shape that we possibly can.”

City expenditures and grant applications

The council adopted four resolutions, that could add up to $545,000 in expenditures, and bring in up to $1 million in community improvement grants:

–To authorize Mayor Woody Jacobs to purchase a parcel of land on First Avenue Southeast from LCE Properties LLC, whose registered agent is Shane Quick, for an amount not to exceed $350,000.

–To enter into a contract with TTL for professional services related to testing on the York Property in the budgeted amount not to exceed $35,000.

–To submit an application to ADECA requesting FY2018 ARC funds in the amount of $200,000 for improvements to the sanitary sewer collection system.

–To submit an application to ALDOT requesting FY2018 TAP funds in the amount of $800,000 to rehabilitate and construct new handicapped accessible sidewalks along First Avenue (the Warehouse District) in downtown Cullman.  This will be an 80/20 grant, for which the City will be required to invest $160,000.

Other business

At the recommendation of President Pro-Tem Jenny Folsom, the council reappointed Dr. Wayne Fuller to the Utilities Board.

The Cullman City Council meets in the Cullman City Hall auditorium on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at 7 p.m.  The public is invited to attend.

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