Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932 and 1952


From the Files of 1902:

W.C. Boub spent Monday in Trimble.

Issac Cofer has received the contract to build the McMinn Bridge, near Trimble.

J.M. Black, of Walter, was in town on Thursday.

“Uncle” Joshua Oaks, of Simcoe, was  in town on Wednesday.

James Harbison and David Strickland were here from Bremen on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. E.E. King, of Oreander, were here shopping a few days ago.

L.D. Box of Box’s School House was in the city on Wednesday.

Fieldon “Bud” Blalock, of Fullers Valley, was in the city on Wednesday.

Miss Annie Brooks, who has been telegraph operator at Boyles for some time, now has charge of the day office here.

Miss Sallie Bowden, of Jones Chapel, who attended the Polytechnic College last winter, is visiting friends here this week.

Doctor M.S. Ingraham visited Oneonta, professionally, the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lieppert are the parents of a twelve pound girl.

The Honorable J.L. Burnett will speak at several places in the count next week.

For Sale – a fine young saddle horse. Apply – Arthur Glasscock, Simcoe. Adv.

A new depot is being built  in Hanceville.

Miss Mabel Collins left Tuesday for Tuscaloosa to attend the Methodist Female College.

A series of services were held during the week at East Baptist Church by Reverend W.R. Ivey, of Oxford.


From the Files of 1932:

Doctor R.B. Dodson, Doctor E.D. McAdory, Doctor J.G. Daves and  Doctor J.C. Martin spent Tuesday in Huntsville.

J.A. Dunlap, cashier of Leeth National Bank took the oath of office of Mayor of Cullman, last Monday evening.

J.D. Kirk died at his home at Simcoe, last Thursday.

A midnight fire alarm on Saturday was an awning on the second floor of the Buchmann Building.

Married this week were Miss Mae Drake and Marvin Barronton.

Miss Fronia Self and P.G. Moore, Junior, were married this week.

Marriage licenses were issued on October 1st  to Mrs. Thelma  Callahan and C.E. Drake.

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Calloway announce the birth of a son.

Philip Graf is attending college in New York City.

Mrs. J.H. Edwards is spending several weeks with friends in Atlanta.

Mrs. G.W. Johnson, Mrs. D. Robertson and Miss Theolene Robertson spent Wednesday in Birmingham.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Law was a son on September 30. They have named him Gerald Adrian.

Mrs. Alec Warren was hostess to the Hanceville Culture Club on Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. Carl Jones is ill at City Hospital.


From the Files of 1952:

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church won the attendance banner at the East Cullman Training Union Mass Meeting at Center Grove Baptist Church on Monday night.

Reverend Eddie King from Ashland, North Carolina has been called as the new pastor at Good Hope Baptist Church.

Max L. Buettner bought the Otwell Jewelry stock and M.C. Keyes bought the optical equipment. L.L. Otwell has retired after 45 years on First Avenue East.

Wilma Jean Stisher, of Welti, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Holloway in Cullman on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Phillips, Hilda Faye and Jerry have moved to the Enon/Hamby Chapel community.

Walter’s 4-H Club officers are Bob Baker, president; Wade Stewart, vice- president; Jim Fant, secretary; Bud Harper, reporter and Tommy Sutton, song leader.


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