VETERANS DAY: Cold Springs celebrates area veterans


Veterans recognized by Cold Springs High School on Thursday. / Nick Griffin

BREMEN – Cold Springs High School held its annual Veterans Day program Thursday morning and the program was full of contributions from the student body. The Royal Blue Band was there to provide music for the event including tributes to all the branches of the armed forces, the national anthem and “Taps.” Several students also helped lead the program, including Emi Harbison, who performed “God Bless the USA.”

U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Tyson Smith was a guest speaker, emphasizing the sacrifices veterans have made and continue to make for their country.

“I always like to bring up Memorial Day on this special day as well to further remind us of the sacrifices that have been made for us,” said Smith. “Both holidays represent men and women who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country and the freedoms that we enjoy today. Veterans Day is extremely important to us because us veterans get to celebrate with our brothers and sisters as one, whether they be humanitarian or in combat.”

Smith talked about the freedoms citizens of the United States enjoy today thanks to the sacrifices of the armed forces.

One of the local veterans being honored at this year’s event was Vietnam Army veteran David Speegle. This was Speegle’s third year to participate in the program and he said he’s always been happy with the quality of the event.

“I’ve come to this three or four times and it’s always been great,” said Speegle. “I think it’s important so that the young people coming up can realize the price that was paid for our freedom, and just knowing that someone stood there for them.”

Speegle had a message for all people observing Veterans Day: take it to heart and think about it when enjoying the freedoms that they might take for granted.

“Freedom is not free. Someone has to pay the price, and with the rebellion going on today in our government, in a world that wars against government, we are what we are today because of the people that stood up to make us what we are,” he said. “So that’s why we need people today to stand up and make us what we should be instead of some of the things that are happening in the world like they are today.”

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