Gov. Ivey promotes Veterans Day through proclamation and executive order


Gov. Kay Ivey signs Executive Order 712; pictured to the far left is Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Clyde Marsh and to the right of Ivey is Alabama National Guard Adjutant Gen. Sheryl Gordon. (Governor’s Office, Hal Yeager)

MONTGOMERY – Gov. Kay Ivey on Wednesday proclaimed Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017 as Veterans Day in the state of Alabama and signed Executive Order 712 expanding the purpose of the Alabama Executive Veterans Network (AlaVetNet).

“Veterans make up more than 12 percent of Alabama’s population; therefore, it is only fitting that we honor them by giving them the highest recognition on Veterans Day,” Ivey said. “By expanding AlaVetNet, we will be better able to provide military men and women and their families the resources they need. We are steadfast in our support for the military, and we want to let our veterans know AlaVetNet is available to them.”

The expanded purpose of AlaVetNet is to identify issues facing service members, veterans and their families and to find ways to address those issues in communities across Alabama. Two priorities will include a focus on reducing and eliminating the opioid crisis, as well as reducing the high veteran suicide rate by helping those in peril gain assistance.

Ivey has also tasked AlaVetNet with developing a strategic plan for accomplishing its purposes by Jan. 31, 2018.

Expanding AlaVetNet by cullmansense on Scribd

Veterans Day Proclamation by cullmansense on Scribd