Files from Yesteryear: 1951


From the files of 1951:

Hanceville Happenings

Morlar Bradford is improving, at his home, following a recent operation.
Mrs. Doris Vaughn and children, of Kemosah, Wisconsin, are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Duren.
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Mann were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker, Pat and Peggy and Misses Margaret Mann, Ina Joe Hardin and Mary Kathryn Chambliss, of Birmingham.
Lester White visited Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Longshore, in Florence, last weekend.
Mrs. Maude Jackson and Mrs. Bruce Meyers and daughter, Lynda Helen, of Birmingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Aussie Grant, of Akron, Ohio, are the guests this week of Mrs. Tommy Whatley.
Ollis Moore will undergo an operation at the Red Mountain Sanitorium, in Birmingham, on Wednesday.
Misses Maymie and Margaret Lovelace, of Birmingham, were the guests last weekend of their sister, Miss Ruth Lovelace.
Mrs. Mary Plunkett is ill in Cullman Hospital.
Mrs. W.D. Reid returned home on Friday, after spending two weeks in Cullman Hospital.
Mrs. Alma Ryan has returned home, after spending two weeks visiting relatives in Birmingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy McAnnally, of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Graham, of Birmingham and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Brown, of Walter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mann, on Sunday.

Duke Rites

Funeral services were held at Simcoe on May 22nd, for Joe J. Duke, age 69, who died at his Route Nine, Cullman residence on Sunday. Moss Service directed interment.
Surviving are his widow; six sons; six daughters; thirty-six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; four sisters and two brothers.

North Walter News

Mr. and Mrs. Troy Blackmon, of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blackmon and children, of Birmingham, were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Echols.
Mr. and Mrs. James Roberson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harris and son, Wendell, are here from Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gable and daughter, of Panama City, Florida, spent Sunday here.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart, Bobby and Joyce Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Howard and Uless Stewart were the Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earnesteen Gable.

Enon And Hamby’s Chapel

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wood and children have returned from Washington. Mr. Woods has received a discharge from the Navy.
John Smith received his diploma, at Eva High School, on Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Lus Gregory and Mr. and Mrs. Fonzie Gregory attended the decoration at Flint, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Travis White, of Birmingham, entertained with a homecoming party of their many friends at their country home on Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Kinney attended the commencement exercises at Cullman on Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlou Wilkinson have named their young daughter, Deborah Jane.

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