Files from Yesteryear: 1951 and 1959


From the Files of 1951:

Hanceville Happenings

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camp, of Calera, were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bland.

A son, Barry David, was born on May 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Millbourne, in Arlington, Virginia. Mrs. Millbourne is the former Jean Gantt.

Mrs. Carolyn Kessler and Mrs. K.C. Ruckas, of Birmingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chandler, on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Basenberg, Albert, Junior and Lynda, of Crawford, Mississippi, spent the weekend with Mr. and   Mrs.   Mart   Basenberg   and   other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Ashwander, of Birmingham and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wallace, of Cullman, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Combs.

Miss Flossie Grantham and Mr. and Mrs. John Fortenberry, of Birmingham, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Grantham.


From the Files of 1959:

The guest of Mrs. J.M. Oldacre this week has been Mrs. L.M. Rothwell, of Washington, D.C., whom Mrs. Oldacre met in Birmingham on Wednesday and brought to Cullman. Mrs. Rothwell stopped enroute to Fort Worth, Texas to visit relatives.

Mrs. Oldacre, Mrs. L.L. Otwell and Elizabeth were in Florence on Sunday to visit the Jesse Albert Kellers (Byrd Oldacre Keller’s son) in their lovely new home.

The very day before she and her husband, Lieutenant H.C. Moore were to leave by plane for a new assignment in North Africa, June Carr Moore was stricken with appendicitis and had to undergo an appendectomy. She is doing nicely and they now plan to leave next week.


Arriving home from Washington, D.C., where she has a government job, on Saturday morning was Carlene Arnold, for a three week vacation. She came by plane, which had to circle the airport 30 minutes before it could land because of dense fog.


Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Tillery and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Grissom and Kerry spent the weekend in Southgate, Kentucky as  guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Tillery.


Doctor Frank A. Rose, president of the University of Alabama will confer 1270 degrees at commencement exercises next Sunday. Ten of the graduates are from Cullman County.

Graduation exercises of the 128th academic year are set for 5:30 p.m., in Denny Stadium.

Edward Delos Churchill, Boston, chief of surgical services at Massachusetts General Hospital, will give the commencement address.

Cullman County graduates are Ralph D. Blalock, B.S.; Clark C. Branch, Junior, B.S.; Clarence William Brunner, B.S.; Rosa Tillery Jones, B.S.; Barbara Louise Johnson, nursing diploma; Jack Knight, M.A.; Aubrey Ray Nesmith, B.S.; Ruth Carol Reichwein, B.S.; Omer Eugene Thomas, Junior, B.S. and Bettie Jean Edwards, nursing diploma.


Morris Rites

Mrs. Ida Dora Morris, age 70, died on May 19th at Cullman Hospital and funeral services were held at Angwin Service Chapel on May 21st. Interment was in Valhalla Cemetery, near Bessemer, with the Reverend John D. Perkins and David Higginbotham officiating and Moss Service directing interment.

Survivors include: two sons, Doctor John T. Morris and Arthur H. Morris;  four daughters, Mrs. Broughton Marlin, Mrs. B.G. Tinney, Mrs. F.F. Burgschneider and Mrs. James W. McConkey.

Pallbearers were Doctor J.C. Chambliss, Doctor L.D. Clemmons, William Huggins, Louis Robbins, Ivan Capps and Charles Capps.


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