Files from Yesteryear: 1959


From the Files of 1959:

Purdy Rites


Funeral services were held on May 19th at  Fairview  West  for Harrison P. Purdy, age 83, of Route One, Hanceville, who died at his residence on May 17th.

Reverend Harvey Edwards conducted the services and Moss Service directed interment.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Georgia Purdy; two sons, Gerdis and John Purdy; two daughters, Mrs. Lula Quick and Mrs. Elnora Hendrix; one brother and three sisters.

Speegle Rites

Doctor Luther Monroe Speegle died on May 26th at his Route One, Bremen home and funeral services were held at Valley Springs, on May 28th.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Naomi White Speegle; three daughters, Mrs. Juanita Richardson, Mrs. Tsianina Jackson and Mrs. Norma Redmond Hall; five grandchildren; two brothers and two sisters.

Alvis Visits

Clara Ann Alvis is home for two weeks from Washington, D.C., where she is working for the F.B.I. Her sister, who is graduating from West Point High, will return to Washington with her to also work there. They are daughters of  Mr. and Mrs. Homer Alvis, of Logan.

Here And There

In  Roanoke  this  week  has  been  Mrs. J.C. Martin to visit the Leon Phillips (Eunice Martin). She went for the  Monday graduation of her oldest granddaughter, Linda Phillips, from high school. Linda plans to enter the  University of Alabama, which is her parents alma mater, this fall.

Guests of the Arthur Karters last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. A.P.  Chesser, Mrs. Jack Kaetz, Junior and  sons, Michael and Pat, all of Bessemer.

Doctor and Mrs. Marvin Smith and Janice, of Springfield, Tennessee, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jesse H. Smith.

What a wonderful weekend the J.J. Vandiver family is  expecting.  Arriving on Friday will be Sally, from Blue Mountain College in Mississippi and the Harry Lindstroms (Betty Vandiver), including their little son, who have been on a Navy hitch and haven’t been home since last July. Harry will enter New Orleans Seminary. However, he will first go back to his old engineering job in Winston Salem, North Carolina  and take a few night school liberal arts courses before entering the seminary.

One of the four Judson College students to be tapped for Alpha Psi Omega, the national honorary dramatic fraternity, recently was Rebecca Quattlebaum. All have both acted and directed plays at Judson. Rebecca is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Quattlebaum, of Cullman and recently had a leading role  in the comedy, “Good House Keeping.”

Expected soon to visit Doctor and Mrs. E.B. Barnes is Mrs. Kathlene Provano, of Greensboro, North Carolina. She is Mrs. Barne’s mother. She has been chosen to appear, in the not too distant future, on “What’s My Line.” Won’t it be delightful to see someone we know?

Did You Hear?

Mrs. Margaret Lucas and Mary Charles will leave on Saturday, May 30th, for a trip to the west. They will stop at Santé Fe, New Mexico, the old pueblo town of Taos, other ancient Indian sites, the Grand Canyon and Tucson, Arizona, where they will visit the Phil Hartung family. From there they will visit Nogales, Mexico and other interesting places, near  Tucson. After a two week visit to Tucson, they  will bring the Hartung family back in the station wagon and will visit with friends in El Paso and the McCalips at Ingram, Texas. They will also go through  Carlsbad Caverns. The Hartungs will later visit Kim’s brother, in Boston, before returning to Tucson.

Very interesting to me is the engagement (announced this week) of Maxine Calvert and James M. Thompson. He is the brother of my dearest college friend, Grace Thompson, now Mrs. George Sims, of Talladega.

Doctor and Mrs. M.C. Keyes returned on Tuesday, after several weeks spent in Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes brought them back and will visit here with the Keyes and other relatives.

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