Senior Dedication Mass held at Saint Bernard


Seated is Abbot Cletus Meagher. First row, (left to right): Chanh Pham, Leo Hsieh, Eva Barck, Thao Nguyen, Anna Faulk, Leahrose Mami, Elizabeth Echeverria, Isabel Santiago, Rita Guevara and Nicholas Gil. Second row, (left to right): Andrew Sweeney, Luke Marti, Blake Burman, Benjamin Swalley, Irina Biedenstein, Marlene Harheil, Sarah Peel, Avy Whaley, Olivia Tafazoli, Gigi Griffin, MichaelBain Clemmons and Duy Nguyen. Third row, (left to right): Joshua Chiodo, Jesse Xiao, Victor Fentanes Barajas, Angus Wong, Christian Peterson, Elijah Price, Alec von Thuelen, Luis Zatarain, Luis Sanchez, Austin Long, Sidney Rivard and Lexiss Gallegos.

CULLMAN – A beautiful fall day at Saint Bernard set the scene for a wonderful celebration honoring 34 seniors at Saint Bernard Prep School during a Dedication Mass in the Abbey Church. The ceremony was concelebrated by Abbot Cletus Meagher, chairman of the board; Father Joel Martin, president and Father Bede Marcy, school chaplain.

Addressing the senior class, Abbot Cletus said, “Our world needs godly men and women, people whose lives are based on principle, on the discipline of love and a wisdom that is from God. You have been blessed with many of these gifts and talents.”

Abbot Cletus went on to say, “Life is about coming to know how to use these gifts and seeing the reality for ourselves and others, but most importantly seeking the truth of all things in God. “

He encouraged students to listen and especially pay attention. “Be a blessing to others and accept them as gifts by giving thanks to God and being a blessing to those who look up to them,” he said.

Following the homily, the members of the senior class were presented a Benedictine-cross medal as a sign of their commission to be leaders in the student body. Students were encouraged to wear their medals with pride to remind them of the privilege and dignity that is theirs to share in Christ.

Music for the mass was provided by Ms. Jannie Ratliff from Sacred Heart Church in Cullman. Following the service, the seniors and parents enjoyed a luncheon in the Abbey Byre.