Benefactor’s Day celebrated at Saint Bernard


Brother Bernard Denson, Retired Abbot Victor Clark, Bishop Robert Baker, Abbot Cletus Meagher and Father Kevin Bazzel / Joyce Nix

CULLMAN – A large group of friends and supporters of St. Bernard Abbey and School filled the Abbey Church on Sept. 25 for the annual Benefactor’s Day celebration.

Joining the guests for the festivities were the students, parents and faculty of Saint Bernard Preparatory School, as well as clergy from the Dioceses of Birmingham, Tennessee and Mobile.

Bishop Robert Baker welcomed everyone in attendance and commended the Abbey for its strong presence in the Diocese of Birmingham as well as its ministry of hospitality.

Reverend Kevin Bazzel, member of the Congregation of Clergy for the Vatican, was the homilist for the occasion. He delivered his homily speaking on the attributes of God and show their application to living the Christian life.

At the end of the service, Abbot Cletus thanked everyone for being a part of the life of Saint Bernard. He reminded them that “without your support and participation, there would be no Saint Bernard. Each day we prayerfully remember you and all our benefactors who make it possible for us to continue the many ministries of this Abbey.”

Dr. Rebecca Whited was the organist for the Mass. The monastic schola was directed by Father Joel Martin, O.S.B.

After the ceremonies, everyone enjoyed the social festivities held on the lawn outside the Church while the Saint Bernard Jazz Ensemble provided entertainment. The day concluded with lunch, prepared by the Flik Independent Dining Service and served in the Saint Bernard Dining Hall.