Files from Yesteryear: 1933 and 1952


From the files of 1933:

Doctor Dodson and daughter, Jane and Doctor J.C. Martin and daughters, Eunice and Grace left, on Wednesday, for a visit to the World’s Fair, in Chicago.

Maurice Norwood spent Monday afternoon, in Birmingham. Henry Wilhite and son, Verbon spent the past week, in New Orleans.

Mrs. G.W. Thom and daughter, Viola, of Hanceville, spent Sunday in Cullman.

Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Ponder,  Miss Melda Ponder and Elbert and George Ponder, Junior will leave, next Tuesday for the World’s Fair, in Chicago. Doctor and Mrs. Culpepper and Miss Verdie Kinney and Clark Griffith, of Hanceville, left on the first of June for a visit to the World’s Fair, in Chicago.

There were four baptized into Eva Baptist Church, on Sunday. Miss Esther Pritchard spent Saturday night  and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Wynell Federer, at Oak Level.

There will be a play, at Good Hope School, on Saturday night, June 17th, at 8:00, directed by Miss Rubye Hinkle. The characters in this play are: Gilbert Day, Collis Day, Frank Livingston, Newton Hendrix, Marion Woodall, Jack Methvin, Mavis Hendrix, Thelma Day, Lena Woodall, Marie Schlichting, Beulah Day and Ozella Hinkle. The name of the play is “Poor Father.” Admission is ten cents.

Lum Hendrix and John Mangum  had the misfortune of losing a barn from a fire, at their farms, in Simcoe, this week.

A New York newspaper columnist took a vacation, not because he needed one, he said, but to give his readers a rest.


From the files of 1952:

Keith Hammond, 21-year-old son of  Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Hammond, of Route One, Falkville, died in Veterans Hospital, in Nashville, on Saturday, June 14th. He was injured on Thursday when he dived off a bank, while swimming at Stinson Falls and a rock struck his head. He is  also survived by five sisters and six brothers.

W.R. Gable brought the first cotton bloom into the Tribune, in 1951, on June 25th. H.A. Seibenhener, of Route Three, Cullman, has 27 acres profuse with blooms, as of June 16th. His cotton was planted, on April 9th and 12th.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Moss are celebrating their wedding anniversary today, June 19th. Their grandmother, Mrs. Louise Spitnazle is celebrating her 82nd birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Rushing, of Second Street  West,  had quite a  start about 5:00 a.m., on Sunday morning. A huge water oak limb hit the roof above  their bedroom.

Joe Morgan returned to Houston, Texas, after visiting relatives here.

Joe Hugh Yates is recuperating, after being hit by a truck, while riding a  bicycle.  He  is  the  son  of  Mr.  and Mrs. J.H. Yates. He has a broken left leg, near the hip.

The Birmingham Black Barons and the Chicago American Giants will be the big attraction, in Cullman, on Saturday night, June 21st, featuring Negro baseball players. The Rotarians are sponsoring the event at the VFW field.

Curtis Wayne Kilpatrick, age 24, drowned in Sportsman Lake, on Friday, June 13th. Surviving are his mother, Geneva Speegle, one brother, Kenneth Kilpatrick and one sister, Mildred Peinhardt.

Haynes Motors will hold a formal opening, on Saturday, June 21st, on U.S. 31, as a Studebaker dealer.

Eight Sims, age eight, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Sims, is being treated at a Birmingham hospital, due to a hip injury at school. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Hildreth.

An all-day singing will be held at Ebenezer Baptist Church, on  Sunday, June 22nd.

J.B. Blalock has returned from Myerstown, Pennsylvania, where he attended a clinic on poultry.

Lavonia Allen and Ross Sticher were married, on Sunday, at the Cullman First Baptist Church.

Sunday afternoon or night dates included: Shirley Hamilton and Dwight Tucker, Nell Ann Durham and Max Kelley, Wanda Milligan and Nookie Tucker and June Smith and Bill Taylor.

Martha Jo Sinyard, Mayra Jean Wilcutt and Wilmer Murray, of Guthery’s Crossroads, visited Mr. and Mrs. Amuel Johnson and children and Edd Johnson, on Thursday night.


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