Profiles in Faith: Fairview teen committed to life of ministry


Macie Burgin, raising funds for her upcoming mission trip to the Philippines / Jennifer Limerick

FAIRVIEW – Macie Burgin is not your typical 15-year-old girl.  The Fairview High sophomore and youth member of Temple Baptist Church’s Fairview campus already has a pretty clear vision of what she wants to do with her life.

Her mother Jennifer Limerick explained, “Our family moved to Cullman, Alabama in November 2015 from North Carolina.  Macie was in eighth grade and didn’t have a plan or direction in her life.  She has always been in church but she never totally sold out for Christ until we found and joined up with Temple Baptist Church.  Andrew Hepinstall is her youth pastor at the Cullman campus and he was a great influence in her life as well as an encourager that she can do anything through Christ.

“Macie was trying to find her place in Alabama, find where she belonged and where she would fit in.  She loved sports, but after some complications, numbness and pain, that was all taken away from her by physician’s orders.  She felt like she couldn’t do anything at school and could not be a part of any team.  She began to pray and search what God’s will for her life was.  She felt led to start a small group after school for students that weren’t allowed to come to church or didn’t have the transportation to get there and back.  She got approval from her principal and a teacher to oversee their meetings.  She named it ‘Amp It Up,’ and had a great response from students.  This was very encouraging to Macie that, although she couldn’t be on a sports team, she had ‘Jesus followers’ that would support her, that wanted to know more about Christ.  She was voted vice president of the sophomore class, school year 2017-18, at Fairview High School and was honored because she never felt she was a popular kid, but maybe her love for others was being seen by her peers.”

This summer, Burgin decided to continue the momentum she generated during the school year.  She organized a clean-up day and bonfire at Fairview Park to encourage her fellow youth to use their summer vacations for volunteer service.  From there, she and her peers became active in ministries around Cullman County and even over to Georgia. 

Limerick continued, “Macie did a local missions blitz at Temple Baptist Church that was here in Cullman County, helping others in need.  They spent three days staying at the church where they slept, ate, showered in a shower trailer, worshipped and did daily devotions.  Her team served the community by helping at Todd’s Friends and Margaret Jean Jones Center with kids and adults with disabilities.  They played music, games, (sang) and danced, and made crafts.  They also went to the local grocery store to help people there and cheered them up with songs.  It was a very eye-opening week for Macie for the need that was here right in our door.  She felt God dealing with her to do more.”

Burgin took part in a Temple mission trip to Macon, Georgia through Hope Missions, where she and fellow youth worked with Rebuild Macon.  They passed out gospel tracts on the street, and helped out in homeless shelters and food banks.  They fed more than 100 people per day, and packaged more than 100 food boxes for needy families.

Limerick related how the trip helped shape Burgin’s vision, “It was in Macon one night during their prayer and worship service that God spoke to Macie, and she knew then that God was calling her to be an evangelist.  She knows that there are a lot of needs locally, but she is also aware of the needs in other parts of the country.  God calls us to go and tell and that’s what her mission is: love God, love others, and serve both.”

After Macon, Burgin was invited to join a Hope Missions team traveling to the Philippines in September to work with Unsheltered International.  Volunteers will work in homeless shelters and feeding centers, teaching children and leading worship.

Burgin is now trying to raise $3,495 to cover the cost of her trip.  Her next fundraising event will be Spirit Night at Augusta’s Sports Grill, Aug. 31, 4–8 p.m.  Tell the server you are there to support Hope Missions Team.

Fellow Temple Fairview member Julie Anders said of Burgin, “She is a remarkable young lady.  Watching her grow in her walk with the Lord has been a joy and inspiration.  At our church, Temple Baptist Fairview, she has become a leader and helper in many ways.  She helped lead services for our graduation ceremonies, for class move ups, and is helping to begin a drama team.  On a personal level, she would go out of her way to be friendly and include my grandson who has special needs.  He can't always communicate what he wants to say and would shy away from meeting new people.  She greeted him each time she saw him and spent time getting to know him to the point he would look for her at church.  That touched my heart in so many ways.  Now she is bravely entering the foreign mission field.  I say it that way because she's already serving her school, community, church, and in stateside missions.  I look forward to watching what God has in store for Macie while she's spreading the love of Jesus!”

Fellow Hope Missions volunteer Karla Young added, "Meeting Macie, and preparing for this mission with her has been amazing.  Even though I'm 25 years her senior, she has a spark inside her that is contagious.  I know God will use her there because God is using her here, especially with her experience with PTSD sufferers.  Missions knows no gender, has no limits, and doesn't need an age limit.  God will use who is willing and has faith, and that's Macie."

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