CPD warns of rash of vehicle break-ins, 11 in past 2 weeks


CULLMAN – Cullman Police Department Capt. of Investigation, Becky Boyd, issued a statement today, warning city residents of a rash of vehicle break-ins that have occurred in the area in the past two weeks.

According to incident reports, there have been 11 reports of vehicle break-ins since Aug. 3. Boyd says that in each case, the vehicles were unlocked. The thief, or thieves, have made off with an assortment of items, including multiple firearms.

“We are asking that people be sure to lock their vehicle at all times,” Boyd shared in her statement. “Valuables such as firearms, purses, wallets, cash and medications should never be left in a vehicle. If circumstances require the items are left in a vehicle, the vehicle needs to be secured. It is rare that perpetrator actually uses force to gain entry to the vehicle. We actually have surveillance video showing a suspect in a recent theft walking around a neighborhood simply lifting door handles. The vehicles in the video were all locked and the suspect moved on.”

The incidents have taken place all over town, namely Oak Drive Northeast, Third Avenue Northeast, Hayes Drive Northwest, Clover Road Southeast, Campbell Lane Southeast, Wishing Well Drive Northeast, Churchill Lane Southeast, Phelan Circle Southeast and Stadium Drive Northeast.

Boyd urges anyone with information on any of these thefts to contact the Cullman Police Department Investigation office at 256-775-7170. Sgt. David Nassetta is the lead investigator on these cases.

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