Good Hope renews deputy contract


Chad Chapman is the patrol deputy assigned to Good Hope. / Cullman County Sheriff’s Office

GOOD HOPE – The Good Hope City Council this week approved the City's annual agreement with the Cullman County Sheriff's Office, continuing the contract of Deputy Chad Chapman as the city’s assigned patrol deputy.  Good Hope will pay the sheriff’s office $40,000 per year – most of which will go toward the deputy's salary, with the remainder funding training, supplies and equipment expenses.

After the council approved minutes from the last meeting, as well as financials for July, Councilman Maxie Jones (Roads) proudly stated, "Everyone is pleased with what the City of Good Hope is doing with the roads." Mayor Jerry Bartlett echoed the sentiment, saying roads look better than he's ever seen and that infrastructure work is going well.

Councilwoman Susan Eller (Utilities) brought in Grady Parsons from Living Water Services to talk about the city's sewer system. Parsons stated that July's heavy rainfall (around 10 inches) resulted in the water plant running an average of 300,000 gallons per day, peaking at almost 500,000 some days, but there were no complications. He also reported that the water quality was “pristine,” then discussed a clarifier that would need to be cleaned within the next few weeks when the water covering it dries up.

Councilman Greg Brown (Community Service) said that the back-to-school bash was a success. Approximately 300 hamburgers and hotdogs were served, and there were enough door prizes for almost every child who attended. He also reported that the Girl Scouts are hoping to build a neighborhood food pantry in the park soon.

Councilman Taft Dillashaw (Parks) stated that the City would likely have a basketball half-court poured, painted, lit and ready for use within the next couple of months.

The council then accepted and approved the 2015-16 completed annual audit, which got good feedback from the auditor.

The Good Hope City Council meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall. The public is always welcome.

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