CP&R hot topic at council meeting: swim, dive champions honored; report on Heritage Park


Members of the Cullman Swim and Dive Teams were recognized by the Cullman City Council Monday evening. / W.C. Mann

CULLMAN – On Monday evening, the Cullman City Council hosted a crowd of guests as Cullman Parks and Recreation (CP&R) activities took center stage.

The council presented a resolution honoring the 2017 Cullman Swim and Dive Teams for numerous accomplishments this season, including:

  • Alabama Recreation and Parks Association (ARPA) state dive team champions, with five individual state first-place finishes from Reagan Ogstad, Cort McNeel, Reese McNeel, and Garrison Haigh
  • ARPA district dive team meet second place, with five individual district champions
  • The Cullman Swim Team had two individual state champions: Mason Fuller (25-yard male freestyle) and Cabri Adams (50-yard female backstroke)

In addition to the swim and dive teams, CP&R Director Nathan Anderson was on hand to give an update on Heritage Park, and to comment on the recent McKenzie ASA Classic Pro/Am archery tournament at St. Bernard.

“The big thing we’ve been working on this summer,” said Anderson, “is getting everything back after Rock the South, with all the rain.  I think, considering how much rain we had after the event, it’s gone quite well.  Just so everyone understands, there was over three weeks’ worth of rain delays in the reconstruction of those fields.  So it did push us back a little later than we were comfortable with; however, we did discuss this with the ASA (Alabama Youth Soccer Association) representatives before we started, because it affected them more than anyone.  And we have always had a date of Sept. 1; that was the direction we were aiming, and I think we’ll be there.

“There’s a few spots on the soccer fields I’m not completely confident that we will open up on that main big field, but it will be minimal.  But, overall, it’s come back quite nicely.  We’re just going to continue to walk it and address anything that’s left with top dressing and fertilizer, and rain, and pray for some sunshine.  That’s going to be our big friend, going forward.

“Everything else for the events ha(s) gone quite well.  The archery tournament, I’m happy to report, went smoothly.  We had over 500 more archers than we’ve ever had historically, with this event, and that’s a lot of bodies when you think about it.  These are people from all over the country.  Everything went well, as far as for the most part, for lodging, and they had a great experience while they were here, with Celebrate Cullman, with our community, with restaurants and businesses.  They couldn’t say enough good about our community.  The tournament director was very pleased and excited about planning next year.

“Everything else is going quite well.  The Midnight Run was really good; we had over a hundred more runners than we did last year.  Second Friday continues to grow, so everything’s going well.”

Other council business

Council President Pro Tem Jenny Folsom gave a brief financial report, noting that city revenue is up by more than $646,000 during the first nine months of fiscal year 2017, a 2.7 percent increase over last year.  Expenses rose, but were mostly planned expenses like the new fire station.

The council suspended the rules of procedure to pass an ordinance annexing property at 94 County Road 701.  Annexation was requested by the property owners, and received a favorable recommendation after review by the City Planning Commission.

The council unanimously approved the following resolutions:

  • to award the bid for a milling machine to the lowest responsible bidder, Robert Ingram, in the budgeted amount of $49,995
  • to award the bid for a sweeper broom to the lowest responsible bidder, Bobcat of Huntsville, in the budgeted amount of $3,647
  • to award the bid for pipe-fusing equipment to the lowest responsible bidder, Consolidated Pipe & Supply, in the budgeted amount of $63,555
  • to authorize a one-time payment to retirees from city employment through the Employees’ Retirement System of Alabama.  This resolution, based on a legislative act, will give each city retiree $24 for each year they were employed by the city.
  • to enter into a professional services contract with Kathy Johnson, former director of the Alabama Broadband Initiative, related to the Gigabit City Project.  The purpose of this project is to strengthen the city government’s electronics and communications infrastructure via a fiber optic network that will eventually become the backbone of an improved system for all city residents.
  • to amend the City of Cullman Position Control Detail and incorporate it into the fiscal year 2017 city budget.  This corrects job classifications within the existing city Position Control ordinance.

The Cullman City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 7 p.m. in the Cullman City Hall Auditorium.  The public is invited to attend.

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