City school board votes to demolish structures on its 3rd Ave. property


CULLMAN – The Cullman City School Board held a special-called meeting Wednesday morning to discuss some last-minute details before the new school year starts Aug. 9. Chief among the items on the agenda was a request to demolish all structures on a piece of property owned by the school system. The property, located at 906 Third Ave. NE, will be used for school expansion in the future. The request was approved; however, a specific date has not been set.

Employee lunch prices will increase from $3 to $3.25 based on USDA requirements, though the breakfast prices remain unchanged. Other new business items included approval of a $150 stipend to Gina Nix for professional development at the New Teacher Induction, contracting with Glenda Harbison to teach at East Elementary for two-and-a-half days per week, and with Jady Pipes and Cole Lawrence to assist with sound and lighting at the upcoming teacher in-service training.

The final item under new business regarded personnel considerations for the schools:


-Pam Farmer, sixth grade teacher at East Elementary (resignation effective Sept. 1)


-Kelly Bowman, German/EL teacher at Cullman High

-Sara Howell, instructional assistant at West Elementary

-Sarah Howell, Extended Day Program aide at West Elementary

-Adam McGee, instructional assistant at West Elementary

Leave of Absence

-Ashley Roberts, fifth grade teacher at East Elementary (leave of absence effective in November)


-Jennifer Shugarts, nurse, transfer from Cullman Middle to Cullman High

-Shan Goodlett, nurse, transfer from East Elementary to Cullman Middle

-Rhonda Underwood, Special Education instructional assistant, transfer from Cullman Middle to Cullman High

-Kim Overton, CNP worker, transfer from West Elementary to Cullman City Primary

-Tina Holmes, CNP worker, transfer from Cullman City Primary to West Elementary


-Vicki Stewart, morning and extended day supervision at East Elementary

-Amanda Baker, nurse at East Elementary

-Rhonda Smith, dyslexia/intervention teacher for Cullman City Schools (pending ALSDE certification)

-Jacob Austin Mansell, instructional assistant at Cullman High

-Cara Rose Goodwin, Special Education instructional assistant at West Elementary

Permission to miss Institute (teacher in-service professional development program)

-CTE teachers attending 2017 ALACTE Professional Development Conference in Birmingham

-Susan NeSmith, teacher at East Elementary

The school board will have its first budget hearing for the FY 2018 budget on Tuesday, August 15, at 4:30 p.m., with the next regular board meeting immediately afterward at 5 p.m.

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