Fairview Town Council discusses rental prices and park improvements


FAIRVIEW – At this month’s meeting of Fairview's town council, there was much discussion about rental prices, possible improvements to the community park and the new senior center, which is expected to be opened soon.

The council reported that the new senior center is almost ready to open. There are still a few appliances that need to be installed, and the Commission on Aging needs to approve the center, but council members say they hope to have a grand opening within the next few weeks.

A large portion of the meeting was devoted to rental prices for the park pavilions and buildings like town hall. The council agreed that while the current pavilion rental price of $10 might attract more renters, the revenue generated isn't enough to cover damages, graffiti removal and power bills. The council is considering raising the rental price to $40, with a $5 discount for town residents. The price hike would also come with an extra charge for renters who hook up inflatables, to cover the extra power needed to air them up.

Also discussed was whether the Town should allow people to rent out the senior center and, if so, at what rate. A proposal was made to let renters choose whether to rent just the front of the building or the entire area. The discussion was tabled until next month’s meeting.

The rental price for the town hall is currently $75, and the council did not change that, though they did propose a 10 percent discount for citizens wanting to rent buildings other than the park pavilions. A town resident discount was $5 off registration for all summer recreation programs was also suggested.

When considering improvements to the community park, the most pressing matter was the lack of a wheelchair ramp to the women’s restroom, which was pointed out during Tuesday’s Freedom Celebration at the park. The council stated this is a priority to correct.

Other park improvements considered were the adjustment of the lights around the flagpole, installing new picnic tables in the wooded area of the park and new benches around the walking trail. While the decision was postponed until price estimates can be gathered, the council discussed the idea of letting community members buy memorial or honorary plaques to go on the new installations.

The council also heard from the meeting's guests. The first speakers were the heads of Fairview's peewee football program, who asked about using one of the ballparks for practice, saying their usual practice spot behind the softball field has become a mud pit. The team agreed to compensate the Town for the cost of using the lights, so the council agreed to let them use Butler Field.

The other guest was a representative from the Fairview Lions Club, who said the Lions are doing service projects and are more than happy to help with any projects for the Town. Also addressed were the upcoming Labor Day and Christmas celebrations. The Lions asked the council for suggestions on who should be the Labor Day parade’s grand marshal.  For Christmas, the Lions are considering allowing community members to bring ornaments of their own to decorate the community tree in memory of loved ones.

Although not on the agenda, the council did receive an update on the Bailey property purchase. There has been no contact from her lawyer, so the Town contacted Bailey directly – despite her lawyer saying that all contact with her needed to go through him first. The Town was able to make an offer that she could work with, so the Town's attorney is simply waiting for Bailey's attorney to draw up an acceptable contract.

Under new business, the council discussed a problem on Wesley Avenue with a drainage ditch eroding. A councilman who recently saw the area said the repairs they've made so far look good, but there was some concern about how the area across the road would hold up after a big storm. Mayor Keith Henry said that the town had negotiated a deal with the water company: the company would help with most of the repairs and would only charge the Town for the rocks it needed to lay down.

Just before adjourning, the council discussed possible renovations to the town hall, including removing the carpet and painting the walls, and agreed to bring floor and paint samples to the next meeting. Lastly, the council approved a motion to change meeting times from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The Fairview Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

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