Colony Town Council bids farewell to councilwoman Myra Twitty

W.C. Mann

Councilwoman Myra Twitty (center) poses for her last photo as a member of the Colony Town Council with Clerk Patricia Ponder, Curtis Johnson, Mayor Donnis Leeth and Jamelle Dimbo.

COLONY – At its regular meeting this week, the Colony Town Council received the resignation of Councilwoman Myra Twitty.

The parting was not over any conflict.  With her granddaughter by her side, Twitty smiled as she cited “lots of grandkid obligations” as a major reason for her decision.  She stated in her resignation that she will continue to support the town in any way that she can.

After the council accepted her resignation, Town Clerk Patricia Ponder talked about Twitty’s original election to the council, “We did twist her arm a little bit.  Had she not chosen to run, the Town would have been shut down for lack of a quorum.  And to me, that’s a true statesperson, that puts the community and municipality above personal goals and personal desires, because she didn’t feel like she wanted to do this job.  But she set that aside for the betterment of this community and this municipality and we owe her a huge debt of gratitude.”

In other business, Finance Committee Chairperson Jamelle Dimbo stated that the Town has purchased a zero-turn mower from gas tax funds*, and from the general fund has purchased a new central air unit from Bama Air to replace the town hall’s unit that recently broke down.  That unit should be delivered this week.

Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman Curtis Johnson announced that Colony will be participating in a summer feeding program this year, and that required training for program staff will begin May 16.  He also announced that the Town will hold a Memorial Day weekend breakfast to honor local veterans on Saturday, May 27.

Johnson also brought a quote on new doors for the town hall.  New steel-framed doors with internal blinds will replace the wooden doors that have become prone to sticking and hard to open.

The Colony Town Council meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at Colony Town Hall.  The public is invited to attend.

*The original version of this article stated that the Town of Colony purchased a zero-turn mower from sales tax funds. It should have said gas tax funds. Updated 5-23-17.

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