The future looks bright for Baileyton: town mulling solar power plan

Andrew Cryer

ACE, LLC SOLAR CEO Chuck Boggs addresses the Baileyton Town Council.

BAILEYTON – The small town of Baileyton talked big news at this week’s town council meeting, welcoming representatives from Pulaski, Tennessee- based ACE, LLC SOLAR. ACE CEO Chuck Boggs, who was featured in The Economist’s film “Solar Frontiers,” (see presented Baileyton Mayor Johnny Dyar and the town’s council members with a bold vision: to power buildings and facilities owned by the Town with solar energy.  

Boggs already has a foothold in Baileyton and throughout Cullman County; his company will soon install a system in the council’s own backyard at Walker Bros. LTD.

Said Boggs, “The solar panels are currently in transit; they can expect to be online in 10 days.”

ACE was also responsible for the installation of solar panels at Apel Steel, which became the world’s first off-grid solar powered industrial factory in 2013. According to Boggs, “We are currently putting together a program (for) the City of Cullman that we can reduce their power (bill) by 20 percent by 2020.” (Boggs said he has yet to speak with Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs.)

Regarding Baileyton, Boggs claims he company can “reduce the town’s power bill by 20 percent in one year’s time.”

The ambitious plan for Baileyton will require installing two systems for an estimated combined cost of $160,000. The two systems will power the town hall, the medical center, the senior center, the park, baseball fields and the street lights of Baileyton, if implemented. The council, after many questions from the citizens of Baileyton and council members, elected to decide on the plan at a later date.

Dyar has an ambitious vision of his own. As president of the Cullman County Mayors and Commissioners Association he plans to bring up the solar power plan at the group’s next meeting. “I’m sure that some of them will love this,” said Dyar. “It doesn’t take a mathematician to know how much you can save by using LED lights.”

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Notes from the council meeting:

Repair work is ongoing for the Summit Road bridge and will require 12 more loads of dirt and gravel to repair sections that have been eroded.

The small shed near the Town’s old fire station, formerly occupied by MultiLine Cable Co., was broken into, and an incident report has been filed with the Cullman County Sherriff’s Office.  

Lastly, the town passed a motion to revise its sign-up procedure for youth league players due to issues with non-payment. Starting next year, all sign-up sheets must be received, and registration fees paid, before insurance is purchased and games have begun. 

The Baileyton Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Baileyton Town Hall. The public is welcome to attend.


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