Good Hope OKs EMA’s emergency evacuation plan for Smith Lake Dam

Heather Mann

GOOD HOPE – The Good Hope City Council welcomed Cullman County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director Phyllis Little this week. Little presented the EMA’s updated evacuation plan for areas of the county that could be affected by a catastrophic failure of, or high-volume discharge from, Smith Lake Dam (Lewis Smith Dam).  The council's first motion of the night was to authorize Mayor Jerry Bartlett to sign off on the plan, which passed.

Read more about the plan here:

Councilman John Harris reported all was well in the financial report: total revenue is up overall, and the missing excise tax, as reported in March, should be coming in next week. Harris, who oversees finances, stated that since everyone had a copy of the bank reports in front of them, he had nothing to report. He did, however, say that he was glad that the lights at the park were repaired.

For utilities, Councilwoman Susan Eller brought Grady Parsons to give an update on the recently-installed pumps at the water treatment plant. Parsons stated that the pumps should greatly reduce sludge amounts due to the increased water volume that they're moving, and the new control panels being installed will replace equipment that's approximately 30 years old. He said that the new equipment should greatly improve the plant's performance, though they hadn't realized how bad it had gotten until they made repairs.

Councilman Greg Brown had nothing to report, and Councilman Taft Dillashaw reported that so far this year the profits from the concessions stands at the ball park have been very good. He also hopes to have the new weight room for the high school's athletes open by summer or fall.

The deputy present reported a few burglaries in the area, though mostly the house was just ransacked with little taken, as well as a theft from Cabin Fever Beverages.

The Good Hope City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall. The public is welcome to attend.

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