Colony plans summer food program for community youth

W.C. Mann

COLONY – During its regular meeting Tuesday evening, the Colony Town Council approved a summer food program for community youth ages 18 and younger.

The program will be supported by the North Alabama Food Bank, which will provide pre-made breakfasts and lunches.  Colony will recruit volunteers to serve meals, supervise kids and provide activities on weekdays.  Under the rules of the federally-funded program, the entity providing the meals must also provide onsite educational or enrichment activities.

Based on the motion that passed, the program will begin the first weekday of June and continue until the last weekday of July.

The council also passed motions to hold a special program to honor area veterans on Memorial Day in May (without discussing any details), and to solicit quotes for landscaping around new flagpoles the Town is buying to replace old equipment outside the town hall.

The council then heard a motion from Councilman Curtis Johnson to hire a seasonal maintenance/janitorial worker.  The Town previously did away with two part-time year-round positions that were judged to cost too much.  After a brief discussion about whether the maintenance position was connected to the landscaping project, and being assured that the two were separate, the council allowed the motion to die without a second.

Committee reports

Finance: Councilwoman Jamelle Dimbo reported that the budget and operations manual were completed and ready for committee review, before presentation to the council.

Fire/Police: Councilwoman Tam Malcom reported that a fire extinguisher training class will be held this Saturday, April 1, at 10 a.m. in the library.

Streets/Drainage: Councilman Julian Fields reported that new stop signs have arrived, along with posts and hardware, and are waiting to be installed.

Parks and Recreation: Councilman Curtis Johnson reported that he will open the Community Center on Wednesday, March 29, from 8 a.m. until noon.

Sanitation/Utility: Councilwoman Myra Twitty presented estimates for the installation of new floodlights around the town hall.

The Colony Town Council meets at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.  The public is invited to attend.

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