Etha Baptist hosts BBQ to raise mission funds

Andrew Cryer

Back (L-R): Shane Rusk, Danny Baker, Wess Glispie, Shay Brown and MiKayla Hadley

Front (L-R): Jo Anna Brown and Jasmine Rusk

Other volunteers not pictured: Johnathan Shofner, Sherry Swindall and Ilen Gutherie 

CULLMAN – Members of the Etha Baptist Church on Friday held the first of what they hope will be an annual barbecue fundraiser to raise money for their yearly mission trips. This year, the church will be going to Masaya, Nicaragua and will require $5,000 to purchase construction materials. The church will be sending 20 members on the trip; in addition to the 20 mission members, five college-aged members will be interning in Nicaragua.

Jo Anna Brown, church administrator, ran the show Friday evening, with the help of 10 volunteers from the congregation.  She estimates that they served between 150 and 200 people, and says that she was very pleased with the turnout.

Brown shared that on the upcoming trip in June, the church will send an evangelizing team as well as a construction team. The construction team will build a house and an irrigation system for a family that runs a farm under the aid of Open Heart Ministries. The evangelizing team will enter the surrounding community to preach the gospel.

On March 22, the church will host its annual Swamp John’s event to further fundraise for the materials.

Find out more about Etha Baptist here:


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