Little Free Pantry coming to Cullman

Little Free Pantry on Facebook

Image shows an example of a Little Free Pantry, courtesy of The Little Free Pantry on Facebook.

CULLMAN – The Little Free Pantry pilot project got the green light from the Cullman City Council Monday night. Soon, local residents will have a small, self-service site in town where they can either drop off or pick up donated canned goods or hygiene products.

The project was the idea of Cullman’s Mary Hovater and Martha Lawrence.

“Basically, Martha and I saw the idea on Facebook and thought it would be a great project to try in our community,” said Hovater. “It will be the size of a bookcase with a door and a light for nighttime. The motto is ‘Leave what you can…take what you need.’ It's neighbors helping neighbors!”

Hovater says the biggest question she and Lawrence get is, why do this with all of the food banks and pantries already in town.

She answered, “Well those are fantastic! They serve so many in need. But they are only open a day or a few (days) a week, you can only get something every two months or so, and you have to make under a specific dollar amount. And that's great, you have to have rules and guidelines. But what about the person that makes just a few dollars above that limit, for example. The Little Free Pantry would be a gap filler. A way to help tide over folks in need or help someone that just needs a little at that time. Our hope is that while those that are able will help keep the pantry filled, the ones that have made use of it will also come back and give a can when they are able.”

Cullman’s first Little Free Pantry is a six-month pilot project and will be located on the corner of the old Bargain Town lot downtown, which is the corner of Second Avenue Southeast and Fourth Street Southeast.

“If this goes as well as we think, we hope other individuals will want to put one up in their neighborhood,” said Hovater. “A person could also put one up in their yard and keep it up themselves. These personal and neighborhood pantries are popping up all over the country. It is just wonderful!”

After discussion Monday night, including positive opinions from Cullman City Police Chief Kenny Culpepper and Zoning Board Director Rick Fulmer, a motion to implement the program for a 6-month trial period passed.

Cullman’s Little Free Pantry will be up and running “as soon as possible” according to Hovater.

Local Boy Scout Troop 321, led by Scoutmaster David Schwaiger, will build the structure as a community project.

To learn more about the Little Free Pantry grassroots movement, visit

Cullman's Little Free Pantry Pilot Project by cullmansense on Scribd


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