This week in Cullman history (Jan. 10- 17)

John Finney

On Jan. 12-13, 1982, Cullman was hit by a large snow storm. The storm began Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 12, and would dump nearly half a foot of snow on Cullman before it was finished.

Schools were closed, postal service was disrupted and numerous power outages and traffic problems were reported.


A Motorist's Nightmare

Traffic on Highway 278 east in Cullman was backed up from the grounds of St. Benedictine College well into the downtown portion of the city on Tuesday as both trucks and cars had extreme difficulty in climbing the steep grade east of town. As hectic as the downtown area was Tuesday, it was barren as it could be on Wednesday when arctic weather forced Alabamians to stay home, if indeed, they made it that far. Shown above is a traffic jam on 278, looking east from the intersection of First Avenue, SE. (Tribune Photo by John Finney)