Holly Pond council brings 2017 to order in 1st meeting of new year

Heather Mann

HOLLY POND – The Holly Pond Town Council met Monday evening, in spite of the rough weather, to discuss the monthly matters of the community. The minutes from the last meeting were read, then corrected. Next, the council read the financial report, and found it acceptable. The council then opened up to public comments, and the only person in attendance simply stated that he was very proud to be living in a town like Holly Pond.

Mayor Bill Oliver then moved on to the committee reports. Carla Hart (Streets and Lighting) discussed possible improvements to the "Welcome to Holly Pond" sign and passed around pictures of different towns' signs to get ideas of what the new sign might look like. She also brought up the issue of replacing the street signs. Lou Thomas (Beautification) said that she was very proud of the Christmas decorations but that "we can do more next year." Suggestions were made for getting a tree so the town could have an official Christmas tree lighting in the park. Paul Brown (Safety) brought up the issue of a dogwood tree near the water treatment facility that needs to be removed, as the roots are causing cracks in the foundation. He also stated that the facility requested additional railing around some of the structures. Gladys Wisener (Sewage) had little to report since Brown covered pretty much everything she was going to say. Finally, Michelle Ball (Parks and Recreation) stated that sign-ups for park workers would begin in February.

When the council reviewed old business, Oliver reminded the members to complete their ethics training courses by the end of February, and he also notified everyone that the Christmas lights would be taken down soon.

The first order of new business was the changing of address for Pond View Drive. County 911 dispatch had the area listed as Pond View Road, which caused problems for responders. The council made and approved a motion to change the 911 maps to say Pond View Drive. The next issue concerned salaries of the council members and whether the amount discussed was before or after taxes were taken out. The issue was quickly resolved with confirmation that the amount was before taxes. Oliver then alerted the council to the fact that there was a sale on Christmas lights and that he had already ordered several new ones, and Wisener requested that he order some new bulbs as well.

Oliver also brought up a request from Wal-Mart to host a free health fair for senior citizens, complete with screenings and shots. There is currently no set date or location, but Oliver said it would likely take place between August and October. Other matters discussed were the issue of getting permission to fix a traffic light and the protocols for reimbursing council members for mileage expenses. Finally, Oliver told the council that the Cullman County Emergency Management Agency will host a disaster training seminar on March 21.

When the new business was finished, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Oliver asked all in favor to "raise your hand, stand up and go home."

The Holly Pond Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Guy Hunt Library. The public is welcome to attend.


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