Fairview Town Council meets, talks community development

W.C. Mann

FAIRVIEW – The Fairview Town Council held its regular meeting Monday evening, with Mayor Keith Henry, all council members and Town Clerk Debbie Shedd present.

After the invocation and pledge, the last meeting's minutes were approved without discussion before the council moved into old business.

Old business included three matters:

Henry gave an update on the town's senior center, noting that while most work on the exterior and parking lot has been completed, the interior is still far from finished.  He specifically pointed out continuing needs in the center's kitchen and HVAC system.  Council members were invited to visit the center and see the current status and progress.

Henry also gave an update on the lighting for the town's park.  Solar-powered lights have been installed at certain points along the park's walking trail, to test how they will work; and they appear to be functioning well.  He estimates that 67 more lights are needed to complete the trail with a light every 50 feet, at an approximate cost of $5,700.  No action was taken, and the matter was tabled until the next meeting.

The council then discussed the need for cleanup of the Craft property.  Councilwoman Paula Edge stated that the overgrown and unsightly property is owned by Traditions Bank, and that bank representatives have failed to return recent calls.  Discussion of possible action was tabled until Henry can talk to bank representatives himself.

In new business, the council considered the possibility of hiring a full-time town maintenance person.  A recommendation was made to allow the mayor to handle hiring, based on an existing policy that would allow him to do so.  Henry said that the town should not hire just anyone, but someone with extensive skills in construction and maintenance.  A plan that seemed workable to all was the hiring of one full-time skilled person, and the use of Cullman County Detention Center inmates for unskilled tasks.  One name was brought to the table as a possible candidate, but as that person is currently employed elsewhere, the name is withheld.  No action was taken, and the matter was tabled until the next meeting.

After the conclusion of that one new item, a motion to pay town bills was passed without discussion.

Before the council adjourned, one more item was brought up.  Edge asked if the mayor was ready to proceed with any property annexation.  Henry said he was ready for local property owners to begin applying for annexation, but he wanted to focus on properties along Highway 69, waiting for additional funds for road improvement before soliciting property owners on side roads.  The council discussed advantages of annexation and the procedure by which a property owner gains annexation, but the matter ultimately received no official council action before the meeting adjourned.

The next scheduled meeting of the Fairview Town Council is Monday, Feb. 6 at 6 p.m.  The public is invited to attend.


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