On-time property tax collections end Dec. 31

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CULLMAN – According to the Cullman County Revenue Commission, on-time property tax collections end Dec. 31. Property taxes are due each Oct. 1 and may be paid with no penalties or interest through Dec. 31. 

All 2016 property tax payments must be paid in-full and (if mailed) postmarked by Dec. 31, 2016 to be considered on-time.

However, because Jan. 1, 2017 falls on a Sunday, in-person property tax payments may be made with no penalty through Jan. 3 at the Cullman County Courthouse, as well as satellite collection sites in Baileyton, Dodge City and Hanceville.

Property taxes may also be paid online by Dec. 31, 2016 at https://cullmanrevenue.us/TaxPayments/Property/Search.

All property taxes become delinquent on Jan. 4, 2017, after which penalties and interest accrue.

For property tax inquiries, contact the Cullman County Revenue Commission at 256-775-4776.