Cullman City Council denies public hearing for townhouse homes; several special events permits issued

Wendy Sack

Photo: Cullman City Police Chief Kenny Culpepper and Cullman City Attorney Roy W. Williams, Jr. chat after the meeting is adjourned.

CULLMAN – The Cullman City Council came together for a regularly-scheduled meeting on Monday evening, with all members present. The meeting was efficient and over in less than 20 minutes.

After normal housekeeping business, the approval of the last meeting’s minutes and the opportunity for standing committee reports and reports from the mayor, the council moved quickly on to public hearings.

One public hearing request was on the agenda- for a rezoning request of 14 potential lots located at the intersection of Cleveland Avenue Northwest and Loring Street Northwest from R-1 Residential District to R-3 Residential District. The request was from Austin Evans of Davidson Homes, to allow townhouse homes.

The request previously received an unfavorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission. Tonight, based on the report of City of Cullman Director of Building, Planning and Zoning Rick Fulmer, the request for a public hearing was denied by the council.

Turning to other business, a request from Janet Davis of Seventh Street Baptist Church for a special event permit to hold a Fall Harvest Festival at the church on Oct. 30, 2016 from 5- 7 p.m. was approved, along with a request from Waid Harbison of Cullman City Parks & Recreation for a special event permit to hold the Clucknbrew Festival at Depot Park on Sept. 17, 2016 from 3-11 p.m.

William Dowdy, of Brothers Kitchen & Pourhouse, requested a special event permit to hold a block party on First Avenue on Sept. 17, 2016 from 6 p.m.-midnight. The request was approved, but with the adjusted time of 6-11 p.m., so that the block party and Clucknbrew end at the same time.

Three ordinances were considered:

Ordinance No. 2016 – 16 – To annex property owned by Chad and Autumn Patterson located at 681 County Road 1170 into the city limits of Cullman, Alabama as R-1 Residential District. This was approved.

Ordinance No. 2016 – 17 – To annex property owned by Randolph and Cynthia Millar located at 115 County Road 1310 into the city limits of Cullman, Alabama as R-1 Residential District. This was approved.

Ordinance No. 2016 – 18 – To annex property owned by Cullman Industrial Board located on County Road 222 into the city limits of Cullman, Alabama as B-2 Business District (Tract 1 and Lot 1B) and AG-1 Agriculture District (Tract 2). This was approved.

Finally, Mayor Max A. Townson made two appointments. Steve Cummings was reappointed to the Cullman City Planning Commission and Windell Wood was reappointed to the Cullman City Housing Authority.

The Cullman City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Cullman City Hall. The public is welcome to attend.


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