Multiple purchases pass Commission 2-1

Cullman County Museum

CULLMAN – The Cullman County Commission met promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday morning, a day later than usual due to the City’s municipal election on Tuesday. After normal housekeeping issues were addressed, the group quickly moved on to new business.

Resolution 2016-28 – CARTS Third-Party Service Contracts FY-2017 passed unanimously.

Chairman Kenneth Walker was authorized to sign an event agreement for “Running in Circles: Cullman’s 24 Hour Challenge.” It passed unanimously. The event will be held at Sportsman Lake Park Oct. 15-16. According to Cullman County Attorney Chad Floyd, “This is the first time this has been held in the state of Alabama to run for a continuous 24-hour period.” Floyd also said they will break up into teams to accomplish this.

Payment was authorized for 2016-2017 Association of County Commissions of Alabama (ACCA) dues in the amount of $8,407. The annual dues had a slight increase of three percent, which is $258 more than last year.

The commission decided to submit a letter of support to the mayor of the City of Cullman regarding the installation of a T-5 line for internet service. “T-5 line internet service is trying to get into the Cullman area to help influence companies and businesses to come in. It’s a high-speed internet, some companies won’t consider moving in unless you have the T-5 line,” said Walker. Walker says the City of Cullman had put in a grant for the installation. The board is simply submitting their support.

The commission discussed repairs and replacement of equipment for the Put-Put Golf Course at Sportsman Lake Park, a total expense of $14,850. The repairs passed, but without Commissioner Garry Marchman’s support. Walker and Commissioner Kerry Watson voted for it.

The commission authorized the Cullman County Parks and Recreation Department to apply for a $16,046.10 grant for a 50/50 Yamaha.

The commission approved the purchase of up to nine modular FEMA-style trailers for Stony Lonesome OHV Park costing 7,500 per unit. Marchman voted no. 

The signing of an advertising agreement between Matt Lee and Jordan Lee and Smith Lake Park was authorized.

In bids, the commission considered the following:

Bid No.1244 – Wheel Loader for the building department in the amount of $1,578.91.

Bid No. 1246 – One or more new pickup trucks. The bid passed with Marchman against.

Bid No. 1209 – Extension – Emulsified Asphalt – Ergon Asphalt. The bid was approved.  

The Cullman County Commission will meet next on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 10 a.m. in the commission meeting room. The work session will begin at 8:30 a.m. The public is welcome to attend.


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