Local man Frank Calvert named ATA National Driver of the Year

Alabama Trucking Association

Photo: Frank Calvert, right, and his wife, Virgie Calvert.


CULLMAN – While this headline may seem similar to a previous one about local man, Frank Calvert, it is even bigger news. Calvert was just named the American Trucking Associations (ATA) National Driver of the Year. Calvert, a Cullman native, has been driving a truck for 60 years, and was voted Alabama Truck Driver of the Year by the Alabama Trucking Association earlier this summer after he was nominated by his company, AAA Cooper, one of the largest trucking companies in the southeast.                

“I cried when I heard it,” Calvert said. “This is even bigger than just winning it for Alabama, for one state, you know? I feel very humble because there are a lot of drivers out there. You never think you will be the one to get an award like this.”          

Calvert will be traveling to Las Vegas the first week of October to receive his award, and he will be heading to Oklahoma City later on that month to attend a drivers’ safety conference.          

“I say to learn something new every day,” Calvert said, advising younger truck drivers. “If you’re not learning something new every day, you are failing. You won’t be prepared for whatever comes along.”

We will be sure to follow up with Calvert when he accepts his big award!


Related: http://cullmansense.com/articles/2016/07/26/local-man-frank-calvert-named-alabama-truck-driver-year


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