Fancher Education and Tutoring Services expands

Will Hogue

CULLMAN – Local educator Cherrelle Fancher’s business is expanding, both space- and service-wise. Fancher Education and Tutoring Services recently moved into a larger space that will function as a full-on educational center. This is in addition to the launch of Fancher’s new extended day program, E2, or (E)xtended (E)ducation in Cullman.          

“This is the most perfect space I could have found,” said Fancher on Saturday afternoon at the open house for her new location. “The number one concern I found with parents was the ability to quickly locate where the child is in the center. This is all open. I can stand in the middle and see into each of the classrooms and all of the learning stations.”          

Full supervision at all times is Fancher’s goal as far as safety and set-up is concerned. Fancher, not a native Cullmanite, fears that her biggest challenge with her new venture is being accepted by the community.          

“Cullman is tight-knit,” she said. “I have to make a name for myself. But there is not anything like me in Cullman, in Alabama really.”          

While Fancher specializes in mathematics tutoring, her center will have tutoring for all ages and all fields.          

“If there’s a field, such as art, I will hire the best art tutor. My ratio for students to teachers will be maxed out at 20-to-1. As soon as I hit that 21st student, I will hire another tutor,” she said.          

Fancher is incredibly excited about the possibilities of her new facility at 811 Second Ave. SW (formerly a financial institution), including the bank vault.          

“It is tornado-proof, crazy intruder-proof and we are really the only place like this that can say that, that the kids are almost 100 percent safe,” she said.          

Fancher’s new extended day program, E2, is now enrolling. The hours are 3-6:30 p.m., and the program takes kids in second grade and older.

E2 provides homework help, snacks and transportation. Children can be picked up from East Elementary, West Elementary and Cullman Middle School. There is also one library visit and one park visit per week. Peer tutoring will be available, and students will be encouraged to be productive with their time.

Perhaps one of the most unique features of Fancher Education is their openness to working with homeschool groups.          

“We have the space, the materials and the technology you need to teach your child, your way. Our company van and driver can be provided for large field trips, and we have multiple meeting rooms to fit almost every need, business, educational, or personal,” reads the group’s brochure.          

“This is quality, and there is a price tag. I know Cullman is very aware of price tags, but I am not concerned about that,” she said. “I am concerned about maintaining the quality.”          

For more information, including rates, visit

To enroll your child in the E2 program, see


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