Same faces, different places for Town of South Vinemont

Dustin Isom

Photo shows current Vinemont Mayor J.D. Marcum in Jan. 2016.


VINEMONT – In the latest meeting of the South Vinemont Town Council, things progressed normally, with one exception.

A change in the leadership was announced and will take place during the fall with Councilman Radginal Dodson to become mayor and Mayor J.D. Marcum to take Dodson's position on the council.

The rest of the council remains intact, as Sonya Mabry, Joann Oakley, Shirley Arnett and Toni Helms are unopposed and no one else qualified to run for Dodson’s seat or the position of mayor.

Resolutions were passed for each council member during the meeting.

Dodson will officially take over as mayor on Monday, Nov. 7, one day before the general election across the country takes place, and the South Vinemont Town Council will be as follows:

  • Place 1 – Joann Oakley
  • Place 2 – Sonya Mabry
  • Place 3 – J.D. Marcum
  • Place 4 – Toni Helms
  • Place 5 – Shirley Arnett
  • Mayor – Radginal Dodson

In other business, the council accepted and approved the minutes and financial matters from the July 12 meeting voted to approve repairs to take place on the town's maintenance truck.

Town employee Mike Graves reported on projects that have been taking place such as concrete being placed at the Vinemont Sports Complex.

Dodson gave a report on activity with the Vinemont Scout Center, as one wall has been taken down to enlarge the space inside the facility. Plans were to have the facility painted with the paint provided by the Town, but the project has not been completed. No timetable has been set on when it will be finished.

The next meeting of the Vinemont Town Council will be Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. at Vinemont Town Hall on Highway 31. The public is invited to attend.


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