Additional walking/biking trails opened at Duck River Reservoir

By: ,
Cullman Economic Development Agency

CULLMAN – The Utilities Board of the City of Cullman has completed another section of the walking/biking trails at Duck River Reservoir.  This will open 13.4 miles to the public.

The trails are now open from the public fishing pier on County Road 1651 North to County Road 1669.  The trails will also be open from the public boat launch on the west side of the lake at County Road 1651 North to County Road 1669.  (See attached map)

The trail is not continuous from these points, as the Pedestrian Bridge Project is not yet complete at the north end of the lake. 

Parking is available at the boat launch on County Road 1651, the trail head at County Road 1651 and the public pier on County Road 1651.

The lake itself remains closed at this time.

07262016 Trail open map2 (002) by cullmansense on Scribd